Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathways - Apr. 13, 2008


April 13

2 Samuel 6

Highlights In Today's Reading:

Do you remember God's directions to David (Numbers 4:1-15)? Don't miss the awesome promise from the Lord to David upon which the future Kingdom of Christ would be founded (II Samuel 7:16; Romans 1:3).

David was the greatest king ever to rule the nation of Israel and a man after His (God's) own heart (I Samuel 13:14). The key to his greatness was two characteristics that are available to everyone: (1.) His love for the Word of God: O how love I Thy Law! it is my meditation all the day (Psalm 119:97); (2.) His prayers for guidance. However, he was not made great for his own sake but because of his loyalty to God regardless of circumstances. Added to this, his sufferings prepared him to fulfill God's covenant promise. Thine house . . . shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever (II Samuel 7:16).

The Covenant of God with David was a guarantee that He would one day send the perfectly righteous King — the Messiah. And this was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the promised descendant of David (Matthew 1:1).

An angel of the Lord appeared to Mary (a descendant of David through his son Nathan), saying: He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David (Luke 1:32).

As King David sat in his palace of cedar, God reminded him of the days when, as a youth, he faithfully had cared for his sheep. During all the years that had intervened, and in all the many experiences through which he had passed, he recognized God's special care. A dim outline was given to Nathan by prophetic vision of a kingdom far more glorious than that which David ruled, through whom all the families of the earth would be blessed.

The name of David held preeminence among the kings of Israel. But One who descended from David according to the flesh (Galatians 4:4-5) has the transcendent glory of His kingdom, and the depths of His sacrificial love caused the name of David to sink into nothingness in comparison. King Jesus is God and His throne is in the heart of each of us that has Jesus, the Christ, as Lord and Savior of our lives.

God has still much more for His people for whom the Great King laid down His life. We cannot begin to comprehend all the plans and accomplishments of the reign of Christ within the person who holds nothing back from fulfilling His will. This means that we sincerely present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world (Romans 12:1-2).

We look forward to the opportunities yet to unfold by our Great King who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

Thought for Today:

Reading all of God's Word, both the Old and New Testaments, is vitally important for every Christian who desires, without reservation, to fulfill His will.

Christ Revealed:

By the Ark of the Covenant which they . . . set . . . in the midst of the Tabernacle (II Samuel 6:17). The Ark contained God's Word given to Moses (Deuteronomy 10:1-5). Christ is the Living Word (John 1:1) and dwells within us who are the temple of God (I Corinthians 3:16) Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).

Word Studies:

6:2 Baale of Judah refers to the town of Kirjath-jearim; 6:7 error =b> put his hand on the Ark; 6:14 linen ephod =riestly linen apron, garment; 6:19 dealt =istributed; 6:21 play =elebrate, show my joy; 6:22 vile =ightly esteemed, appear dishonored before you; 7:8 sheepcote =astureland; 7:9 cut off =estroyed, eliminated; 7:12 seed =ffspring, descendants; 7:23 terrible =ull of wonder; awesome; fearful; 8:3 recover his border =stablish his territory to the River Euphrates; 8:4 houghed =amstrung; 8:5 succour =elp; 9:8 dead dog =how favor to an insignificant person.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for The English International Shortwave Radio Broadcasts sponsored by Reverend Leonard P Miller • Staff: Pam Pendergrast • Government Officials: Sen. Robert Casey (PA), Rep. Jim Costa (CA), and Rep. Susan Davis (CA) • Country: Lebanon (4.3 million) in the Middle East • Major languages: Arabic and French • Limited religious freedom • 55% Muslim (Shi'a, Sunni); 41% Christian (Maronite, Orthodox, Melchite, Protestant, Chaldean, Assyrian, Syriac); 3% Druze; 1% Others (Jewish, Baha'i, Alawi, Jehovah's Witness) • Prayer Suggestion: Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit (John 16:7-8).

Optional Reading: Acts 14

Memory Verse for the Week: James 1:21

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