Bible Pathways - August 7, 2005

August 7
Read Isaiah 32:1
In Today's
Righteous King foretold; judgment upon nations pronounced;
In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah . . . Sennacherib king of Assyria came up against all the defensed cities of Judah, and took them (Isaiah 36:1). Even the walled cities were no match for the might of Sennacherib's army. In one military campaign he quickly defeated 46 of the towns and villages of the small southern kingdom. He carried away into captivity about 200,000 of its inhabitants, but he was not able to conquer
Eventually, the king of
Upon hearing this demand, King Hezekiah immediately did what we all should do when we receive bad news. Hezekiah went up to the House of the LORD. . . . And Hezekiah prayed . . . O LORD of hosts, God of
Isaiah sent an encouraging word to Hezekiah, saying: Thus says the LORD God of
It is important that, like Hezekiah, we pray and trust the Lord for all our needs. It is foolish to think we can stand against the wiles (schemes, trickery) of the devil in our own might (Ephesians 6:11). God is waiting for us to place our trust in Him. The Lord is still urging us: Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty (unsearchable) things, which you know not (Jeremiah 33:3; compare Ephesians 3:20).
Christ Revealed:
As the great, unmovable Rock (Isaiah 32:2). Christ is always available to provide "rest" — comfort and security. The Lord is my Rock, and my Fortress. . . . who is [the] Rock save our God? (Psalm 18:2,31; also Matthew 11:28-30). As the King who will bring judgment upon the earth (Isaiah 34:4-5). In that day of judgment, Christians will see King Jesus in His power and great glory, but the lost will face His fiery indignation (Matthew 24:30; II Peter 3:10). As the Angel of the Lord (Isaiah 37:36); elsewhere the Angel of the LORD speaks as God (See Genesis 16:7,9-11; 22:11-12,15-18; Exodus 3:2-22; Judges 2:1-4).
Word Studies:
32:2 covert = shelter; tempest = storm; 32:5 liberal = noble; churl = deceitful; 32:7 instruments = schemes; 32:19 low in a low place = completely destroyed; 33:9 hewn down = destroyed.
Prayer Needs:
Pray for The International Shortwave Radio Broadcast in honor of Dorothy Marsh · Government Official: Rep. Bob Etheridge (NC) · Country: Israel (6 million) in the Middle East · Major languages: Hebrew and Arabic · Witnessing to Jews about Christ the Messiah is actively discouraged · 88% Jewish; 8% Muslim; 2% Christian · Prayer Suggestion: Draw near to God in prayer with a true heart in assurance of faith (Hebrews 10:22).