Bible Pathways - Feb. 11, 2008

Highlights In Today's Reading:
Talk about the benefits of walking on the "straight and narrow" — God's blessings are marvelous and awesome. Then in contrast we read the horrific results of disobedience. Discover where the fear of the Lord comes in and the three things that are absolutely the Lord's.
Israel's success could not be explained by natural causes; the supernatural power of God was in control. The Israelites were reminded that God had brought them out of Egypt and consequently they were His people. Therefore, in loving gratitude, they should live to please their Master.
If ye walk in My statutes, and keep My Commandments, and do them; Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase (26:3-4).
He promised them blessings beyond compare if they would keep His Commandments, saying: I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be My people (26:12). God also graciously warned them, saying: If you will not hearken unto Me, and will not do all these Commandments. . . . I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass (26:14,19).
But the continual complaining and dissatisfaction of the adults who were delivered from Egyptian slavery prevented them from possessing the promised land (see I Corinthians 10:1-11; Hebrews 3:7-19). This should be a warning to Christians today.
Just as the blessings of God were dependent upon the Israelites' obedience and gratitude, we, too, must obey His Word and be grateful to the Lord if we are to receive His blessings.
We have the privilege and highest honor of being a soldier in the army of the King of kings. To the Israelites God promised victory: Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts (Zechariah 4:6).
To Christians Jesus still says: I am The Vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing (John 15:5).
Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it (Luke 11:28)!
Thought for Today:
Loving obedience to God's Word is the key to gaining true success in life.
Christ Revealed:
As the One who will dwell among us (Leviticus 26:11). The Word was made flesh, and dwelt (tabernacled) among us (John 1:14).
Word Studies:
26:13 bondmen =slaves; 26:16 consumption may mean tuberculosis; burning ague =fever; 26:25 avenge the quarrel =execute punishment; 26:30 images =altars for heathen worship; 27:2 a singular vow = special personal commitment.
Prayer Needs:
Pray for The Arabic, English, and Spanish International Shortwave Radio Broadcasts sponsored by M. Ora Anderson • Executive Director of the IBRA in our Washington DC Branch: Reverend Michael Hall • Government Officials: Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI), Sec. Michael Leavitt (Dept. of Health and Human Services), and Gov. Sarah Palin (AK) • Country: Central African Republic (3 million) in the center of the African continent • Major languages: French and Sangho • Religious freedom • 47% Protestant; 34% Roman Catholic; 12% animist; 3% Muslim • Prayer Suggestion: Express your gratitude for the loving-kindness of God (Jeremiah 32:17-18).
Optional Reading: Mark 14
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 118:29