Bible Pathways - Feb. 17, 2008
February 17
Highlights In Today's Reading:
Canaan is in sight! Hallelujah! Onward to victory! At this precious moment, all Israel had to do was trust God and move forward in conquest of Canaan. But what does it say: They buried the people that lusted (11:34)?
On their way to the promised land, the Israelites were always complaining about something. They failed to see that every problem, every disappointment, and every difficulty was a test of their faith and an opportunity for them to trust God to supply their every need (Philippians 4:19). Thanksgiving and praise should have been their reaction (I Thessalonians 5:18), but here they complained that manna was "nothing at all" compared to all the fine food that was in Egypt.
When the people complained, it displeased the Lord. . . . And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said. . . . We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely. . . . But now . . . there is nothing at all (Numbers 11:1,4-6). God answered their prayer for meat (11:31,33); however, it was in His permissive will rather than His perfect will for He gave them their request; but sent (it resulted in) leanness into their soul (Psalm 106:15).
God does send trials to test our faith as well as an opportunity to reveal Himself as the All-Sufficient One. The Lord permits adverse circumstances that believers may discover how not to trust in our own opinions, feelings, and judgments. We must come to that place where we can truly say, we . . . have no confidence in the flesh (Philippians 3:3).
The believer's satisfaction and pleasure will be discovered by reading and believing all of God's Word and leaving the outcome of all situations to Him. Although we do not understand it, all things (do) work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). We should be content with what Christ has chosen for us knowing that it is always for our best interest without exception. We also need to pray as He did: Not My will, but Thine, be done (Luke 22:42).
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
Thought for Today:
Let your conversation (way of life) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee (Hebrews 13:5).
Christ Revealed:
The two trumpets were made of silver (Numbers 10:2). Silver in the Bible stands for truth. Christ is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6).
Word Studies:
10:10 solemn days =appointed festivals; 10:14 standard =banner; 10:21 against they came =in anticipation of their arrival; 10:25 rereward =rear guard; 11:4 fell a lusting =had greedy desires; 11:6 is dried away =is dissatisfied; 11:10 was kindled =exceedingly angry; 11:11 burden =responsibility; 11:13 flesh =meat; 11:15 out of hand =at once; 11:18 sanctify = consecrate to God; 11:20 loathsome =offensive, detestable; 11:22 suffice =be enough; 11:30 gat =returned.
Prayer Needs:
Pray for The Arabic, English, and Spanish International Shortwave Radio Broadcasts for the week sponsored by Mrs. Edna E. Travis • Government Officials: Rep. Randy Forbes (VA), Rep. Jim Jordan (OH), Rep. William (Bill) Sali (ID), and Sen. Craig Thomas (WY) • Country: Congo, Republic of the (2 million) in west-central Africa • Major languages: French and Lingala • Limited religious freedom, but government hostility has lessened • 41% Roman Catholic; 20% fetishism and belief in ancestral spirits; 17% Protestant; 9% cults • Prayer Suggestion: Pray daily to your Father in heaven (Daniel 6:10).
Optional Reading: Luke 4
Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:2