Bible Pathways - January 31, 2006

January 31, 2006
Read Exodus 40
In Today's
Tabernacle completed and erected; furnishings arranged; consecration of Aaron and sons; glory of the Lord fills the Tabernacle
The first thing to be placed within the Tabernacle was the
After the Tabernacle was constructed and the cloud of the Lord's Presence filled it, the cloud (40:34-35; compare 13:21) and the Tabernacle were inseparable throughout the rest of the Israelites' journeys. If the cloud lifted and moved forward, the Tabernacle and the people then followed; if the cloud stopped, the people remained until it moved again (40:36-37). God's Word and His Holy Spirit provide all of the wisdom, spiritual guidance, and strength necessary to live obediently and victoriously for Him. God has revealed that ye are the
Soon, the glorious Presence of God will again be seen on earth, as the Apostle John revealed while imprisoned on the
Christ Portrayed:
By Aaron as the high priest (Exodus 40:13). Christ being come an High Priest. . . . to appear in the presence of God for us (Hebrews 9:7-24).
Word Studies:
40:3 cover the ark = install the veil as a partition; 40:7 laver = large basin or bowl used for washing; 40:8 hanging = curtains; 40:9 hallow = set apart, consecrate, dedicate; 40:10 sanctify = set apart for God; 40:11 his foot = its stand, base.
Prayer Needs:
Pray for The International Shortwave Radio Broadcast sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. John A. Hash · Staff: Ilene Wallace · Government Officials: Rep. C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger (MD) · Country: Greece (11 million) in southeastern Europe · Major languages: Greek and English · Government restrictions on witnessing to others about Christ · 97% Greek Orthodox (2% churchgoers); 1% Muslim; .4% Roman Catholic; .1% Protestant · Prayer Suggestion: In times of trouble, pray and seek comfort in the Word of God (Psalm 119:50).
Memory Verse for the Week: Colossians 1:16