Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathways - July 19, 2008


July 19

Psalms 144

Highlights In Today's Reading:

We open with one of David's battle songs sung by his men as he marches forth to war (144). The second (145) may have been sung by David's soldiers after victory in battle. The last five psalms are a grand outburst of Hallelujah songs to the majesty of our Lord. God reigns; Let all Creation praise the One True Triune God; Let the angels praise God; Let the saints Praise God.

The psalmist declared that no man, not even the most powerful or the smartest, has power to save himself or others. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish (146:4). When their breathing stops, they (the body) return to the earth.

All that anyone, the poorest person, a president, or a millionaire will eventually have will be his grave. They (We all) die, and return to their (our) dust (104:29). When death comes, all that is material or physical comes to an end. Christians can rejoice knowing that all that is spiritual is eternal and is in the loving hands of the Almighty God and destined for eternal life with our Lord. But all who have rejected Christ as their Savior face eternal death to be cast into outer darkness and in the torment of hell. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God (146:5). All of our plans, popularity, and power which relate to this world will be cut off by death. Too quickly the achievements and the influence of one age is forgotten in the next. Today's heroes and those who are the masters of the world's intellect and influence at this point in time will be ignored tomorrow. Therefore: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man (mere humans) . . . and whose heart departeth from the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5).

This means, first of all, at the beginning of each day we should yield ourselves for Christ's holy presence to freely work in and through us. It means a voluntary, intentional and wholehearted turning away from the world to wait on God to make Himself known to our inner man (Ephesians 3:16). It means giving time, and all our heart and strength, to allow God to reveal Himself. It is impossible to expect the abiding presence of Christ to be outwardly evident throughout our day unless there is a definite daily exercise of childlike trust in His Word and willful submission to His leading on our part.

King David is our example, for his trust was only in God and he sought the Lord's guidance throughout most of his reign. David often called upon God in prayer and he had the assurance of God's nearness. The secret to this assurance was that he loved God's Word and prayed according to His will.

The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain (empty, profitless). Therefore let no man glory in men (I Corinthians 3:20-21).

Thought for Today:

A life that has been lived for Jesus makes a funeral celebration possible.

Christ Revealed:

As the One who gives sight to the blind (Psalm 146:8). Jesus Christ opened blind eyes. Then touched He their eyes . . . . And their eyes were opened (Matt. 9:27-30; Mark 10:46-52; John 9:1-41).

Word Studies:

144:7 rid =b> rescue; 144:13 garners =b> grain storehouses; streets =b> fields; 145:3 unsearchable =b> beyond our understanding; 147:4 telleth =b> counts; 148:7 dragons =b> large sea animals.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for Arabic International Shortwave Broadcasts sponsored by Mrs. Wyona Magee • Government Official: Rep. John Campbell (CA) • Country: Zambia (10 million) in south-central Africa • Major languages: English and 70 indigenous languages • Religious freedom • 30% Roman Catholic; 25% Protestant; 24% ancestor worship, magic, and witchcraft; 19% cults • Prayer Suggestion: Rejoice that Jesus' blood has cleansed you from sin (I John 1:7,9).

Optional Reading: 2 Timothy 4

Memory Verse for the Week: 2 Corinthians 4:9

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