Bible Pathway

Bible Pathways - June 14, 2005

June 14

Esther 8:1

In Today's Reading:

Esther's plea to reverse Haman's decree; enemies of the Jews destroyed; Feast of Purim instituted; Mordecai promoted to great honor

Haman's "wise counselors" had cast Pur (lot) to determine the most favorable time for the execution of all the Jews. Haman's "lucky day" fell on the 13th day of the twelfth month (see Esther 3:7-13; 9:1,24). Undoubtedly Haman felt fortunate that the lot had fallen on the last month of the year so that he would have plenty of time to devise his evil plans to murder every Jew in the kingdom.

The fixed day of execution, which came to be known as Purim (Lots), was turned from death to deliverance by the intervening providence of God. Haman did not realize that Mordecai's God is the Controller of all the affairs of earth. Even though the lot is cast into the lap . . . the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD (Proverbs 16:33).

Although a Persian king's decree could not be rescinded, not even by the king himself, following Haman's execution, the king allowed Mordecai to write a new decree giving the Jews the right to defend themselves. In the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (. . . it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them) (Esther 9:1). The Book of Esther demonstrates how God uses faithful servants to change world affairs in order to fulfill His Word. The preservation of the Jews saved the lineage of David from whom the Messiah Jesus would come.

In days of peace and prosperity, we are prone to be less concerned about the presence of God. But, when our situation seems critical, we realize our need for His presence, and when He wonderfully intervenes, we praise Him for His merciful protection and provision. The Lord's desire, however, is that we be in daily communion with Him.

Esther is a testimony to the fact that, even in a secular society dominated by a heathen power, our God can protect His people. But, He expects us, like Esther, to respond courageously in faith to the threats of the Hamans of this world.

The peace and satisfaction enjoyed by Mordecai and Esther can also be experienced by those who share as co-laborers with our Lord in His compassion for a lost world. Everyone needs to know how to be saved. Jesus said: No man comes to the Father, but by Me (John 14:6).

Christ Revealed:

By Mordecai's exaltation from servanthood to a position of honor and glory next to the king (Esther 8:2,15; 10:3). Christ came to earth as a servant and was exalted to the right hand of God (Mark 16:19; compare Philippians 2:7-9).

Word Studies:

8:3 put away the mischief = to avert the evil; device = scheme; 8:10 posts = couriers; 9:4 waxed greater and greater = became increasingly prominent and powerful.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for BPM Staff: Bernice Rathbone · Government Officials: Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD) and Rep. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (WI) · Country: Cambodia (12 million) in Southeast Asia · Major languages: Khmer and French · Confused and unsettled at this time · 88% Buddhist; 3% animism and spirit worship; 2% Muslim; .6% Roman Catholic/Protestant · Prayer Suggestion: Lift up prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God even in times of adversity (Acts 16:22-25).

Optional Reading: Galatians 3

Memory Verse for the Week: I Thessalonians 4:4