Bible Pathway

Bible Pathways - June 28, 2008

June 28

Psalms 18

Highlights In Today's Reading:

David's heart is full. The Lord delivered him from his enemies and Saul and he is now made king. He sings a tremendous song of thanksgiving, followed by a song of God's wonderous Word.

The heavens declare the glory of God (19:1); The Law of the Lord is perfect (vs 7); The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever (vs 9); Moreover by them is Thy srvant warned (vs 11); Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight (vs 14).

Seeking victroy, David sings a battle hymn and prayer trusting in the Lord for victory (20:7), then a thank you for the victory in chapter 21. Don't miss chapter 22. Written hundreds of years before the days of Jesus it is a vivid description of the crucifixion!

Prayer has always turned apparent defeat into victory for His obedient servants. The armies of those who trust in chariots and horses and rely on vast resources seem irresistable (20:7). Although the people of God who pray and trust in His unseen presence may appear outnumbered, they always rise up triumphantly while their enemies are brought down. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright (20:8). Prayer will deliver, but pride will defeat.

If David could pray and then testify how God would deliver him from Saul and all his armies, how much more can we pray and trust in His answering power!

Next to the revelation of God's love, there is not a more important or more often repeated subject on the lips of Christ than the importance of the Word of God. The constant repeated reminder to read His Word proves that God knows our heart, how doubt and distrust toward Him are natural to us in our fallen state and how easily we are inclined to repeat our prayers without expecting an answer.

Before Jehoshaphat entered into battle with the vast armies of the Moabites and Ammonites, he prayed, then appointed singers to praise the Lord for the answer. He obtained an easy victory (II Chronicles 20:20-22). We are sometimes so elated by the triumph that we forget the One who made it possible.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened (Matthew 7:8).

Thought for Today:

Problems are rarely what they first seem to be. Let's pray that God will allow us to see through the eyes of faith. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

Christ Revealed:

As the One to whom the psalms refer when they speak of the nails that pierced His hands and feet on the cross and the parting of His clothing (Psalm 22:16,18). When they had crucified Him, they parted His garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take (Mark 15:24; also Matthew 27:35; Luke 23:34; John 19:18.

Word Studies:

18:2 horn of my salvation =b> my strong deliverer; 18:26 froward (first use) =b> crooked; perverse; froward (second use) =b> hostile; 18:45 close places =b> fortresses or strongholds; 22:5 confounded =b> put to shame; 22:7 shoot out the lip =b> ridicule, hurl insults; 22:17 tell =b> count.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Shortwave Radio Broadcasts in memory of Letha Hash • Government Officials: Rep. Jane Harman (CA), Sen. Carl Levin (MI), and Rep. Ed Pastor (AZ) • Country: Tibet (province of China) (4.6 million, from 1990 census) in eastern Asia • Major language: Tibetan • The Chinese government is still committed to promoting atheism, while at the same time, officially permitting Lamaism (a form of Buddhism) • 97% Tibetan Buddhist; 1% Muslim; 1% Bon; 1% Other • Prayer Suggestion: Pray in faith, without doubting (James 1:6).

Optional Reading: Colossians 1

Memory Verse for the Week: 2 Corinthians 3:18