Bible Pathways - May 23, 2005
May 23
Read II Chronicles 7 -- 9
In Today's
Solomon's sacrifices; glory of the Lord; God appears to Solomon; Queen of Sheba visits Solomon; his riches and fame; his death
When Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burned offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the House (II Chronicles 7:1).
After that great dedication, the Lord again appeared to Solomon by night with a word of caution, saying: If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people; If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (7:13-14).
Let us carefully consider the qualifications for God to heal their land. First, He is speaking of My people. This implies our need to receive and live for Christ according to His Word. Then, to humble ourselves means, first and foremost, a confession of our sin of neglecting His Word and living as if we have no need of His direction. To humble one's self also includes acknowledging all sin, having a sorrow for sin, and genuinely repenting of sin. God alone can, and does, forgive and cleanse us from all confessed sin (see I John 1:9).
When God says: Seek My face, He means that we daily need to seek His revealed will as we prayerfully read all His Word that we may know how He wants us to live. As we read His Word, the Holy Spirit not only enlightens our understanding to know His will but He empowers us to live it. God has warned: He that turns away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer shall be abomination (Proverbs 28:9).
We need to ask ourselves: "Will what I'm seeking in prayer bring honor to the Father or merely benefit me?
Our great need is to prayerfully read all of God's Word. Jesus declared: If a man abide not in Me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done to you (John 15:6-7).
Christ Revealed:
Through the glory of Solomon's kingdom (II Chronicles 9:1-28). Even though Solomon had a rich and glorious kingdom, it cannot compare to Christ's coming eternal kingdom for the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it (Revelation 22:1-5).
Word Studies:
7:11 prosperously effected = successfully accomplished; 8:5 nether = lower; 8:16 perfected = completed; 9:1 prove = test; 9:14 chapmen = merchant traders; 9:15 targets = large shields; 9:18 stays = armrests; 9:24 harness = armor; 9:26 the river = the
Prayer Needs:
Pray for BPM Staff: Clarence Rathbone · Country:
Memory Verse for the Week: II Timothy 4:3