Bible Pathways - Sept. 19, 2007

In Today's Scripture Reading:
Israel compared to an unfaithful wife; judgment upon adulterous Israel; jehovah's (Yahweh's) withdrawal from His people; repentance urged
Jeroboam II was king of the northern kingdom. The moral and spiritual level of the Israelites had become so low as to embrace sodomites (male temple prostitutes) . . . and . . . all the abominations (detestable practices) of the nations which the Lord cast out (of the promised land) (I Kings 14:24). Not one of the 19 kings of the northern kingdom of Israel attempted to lead the people to worship in Jerusalem as God had instructed. It was under these circumstances that the Word of the Lord . . . came unto Hosea . . . in the days of Jeroboam . . . king of Israel. . . . I will break the bow of Israel. . . . God said . . . I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel (Hosea 1:1-6).
The Lord spoke against His people through Hosea because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out (with no restraint) (4:1-2). God revealed the consequences of Israel's sin, saying: Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me: seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God, I will also forget thy children (4:6).
Israel's kings as well as its political and religious leadership ignored the importance of obedience to the Word of God. Jesus Christ set the example of how important the Old Testament should be to us. After 40 days of fasting, He was tempted of the Devil, who said: If Thou be (Since You are) the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone (physical necessities), but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (spiritual necessities) (Matthew 4:3-4; compare Deuteronomy 8:3). By quoting this Old Testament Scripture, our Lord revealed the “Key to Victory” over satanic deceptions. We can have that same victory over Satan when we allow every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God to become a vital part of our daily lives (Matthew 4:4).
Christ Revealed:
Through Hosea's love for his unworthy, sinful wife (Hosea 3:1-5). Our Lord Jesus not only loved us while we were yet sinners, but He also died the death of shame for us on Calvary so that all He possessed might become ours (Romans 5:8; 8:32; II Peter 1:3). I will betroth thee unto Me for ever (Hosea 2:19).
Word Studies:
2:3 (first) set =b> expose; (second) set =eave; 3:4 ephod =b> sleeveless priestly outer garment; teraphim =b> household idols; 4:16 slideth back =b> turns away, rebels; 5:7 portions =b> land, fields; 5:15 early =b> earnestly.
prayer Needs:
Pray for Staff: Dan Murton • Government Officials: Del. Donna Christian-Christensen (Virgin Islands) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX) • Country: Iraq (22 million) in southern Asia • Major languages: Arabic and Kurdish • Fierce harassment of non-Muslims • 96% Muslim; 3% Christian • prayer Suggestion: Confess and forsake any known sin (Nehemiah 1:6).
Memory Verse for the Week: Micah 5:2