The Crosswalk Devotional

Abundance Meets Our Grief - The Crosswalk Devotional - May 28

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Abundance Meets Our Grief
By Amanda Idleman

Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?”
“Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.” – 2 Kings 4:2

Elisha was approached by a widow of a man who was reported to be righteous but died with significant debts. The widow had two sons who were at risk of becoming slaves in order to pay off the debt of their father. This meek widow was desperate and distraught when she approached the prophet. 

Many of us can relate to this widow. Maybe we received a bad diagnosis, lost a loved one, were let go from a job, experienced a failed marriage, and, as a result, saw a bleak, hopeless future ahead. 

The natural response when the news is bad is to go to our friends, family, and community in order to find support. Too many times, the people around us just don’t know how to respond to our tragedy. They may try to offer advice, but this response can feel overwhelming. Sometimes, they offer sayings or verses, but at that moment, these ideas feel empty. Elisha models a response that is full of wisdom and compassion when he asks: How can I help you? 

In our moments of desperation what we want more than anything is the presence of our loved ones. We want to be heard, seen, and we need the comfort that comes with the knowledge they are there to help. If you have a friend or loved one in crisis one of the best places to start is by asking them what they need.

Elisha goes on to then ask another wise question, which is what do you already have? In tragedy and grief it’s easy to only see the lack around us. That’s when we need a community to rally alongside us to remind us of what God has already given us. It’s their role to spur on our faith trusting that God can multiply what we have in our time of need. 

Elisha discovered the widow did have something to offer the Lord, it was a small vial of valuable olive oil. He instructed her to gather empty containers of all kinds, bring them to her house, close the doors, and begin pouring out this oil (1 Kings 4). She was obedient at her step of faith that trusted that God could use her little resulted in abundant provision for her and her sons.

God not only multiplied the oil so she would have enough to pay off her debts, he gave her enough to sustain her and her sons for the rest of their lives! Abundant grace poured out on his righteous ones indeed! 

Do we trust that God can use our little for his glory? Do we have faith that when we see others in need around us, we can encourage them to be bold in asking God to do abundantly on their behalf in their lives? It’s so easy to see our problems, but the gift the prophet gave the widow was the ability to see possibility even in this dark moment. He had not given up faith in the promise that God will care for the needy. The widow’s obedience to this odd-seeming set of instructions was honored by God. They both had to participate in order to see the miracle come to pass. 

God is a provider! He loves us in really practical ways, giving us this daily bread kind of way. We just have to take what we have and offer it up to him in faith to see his abundance at work before us! 

Intersecting Faith & Life:

Are you walking with someone who is navigating a dark season? Remember the phrase ‘How can I help’ when other words seem insufficient. They inspire trust, give us a chance to show practical love to them, and give the person we love a chance to speak. 

Do you feel hopeless? Begin your journey towards faith by enlisting the help of those who are walking with God. The widow experienced a miracle for a variety of reasons but one important part of this story is that she first sought the help of the prophet. She knew that he would offer wise counsel; she trusted him and knew he would have faith even if she felt hopeless. 

What do you have to offer the Lord? If you are in need of a miracle, many times God wants us to take the first step towards him before he multiplies our resources. Can you offer him your time? Your worship? Your money? Talents? Your home? Hospitality? A phone call to the right doctor? A trip to see a loved one you need to forgive? Ask God how he can show his abundance through your obedience. 

Further Reading:
2 KINGS 4 - God Works Miracles Through Elisha
2 Kings 4:1-7 

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/fizkes 

Amanda Idleman is a writer whose passion is to encourage others to live joyfully. She writes devotions for My Daily Bible Verse Devotional and Podcast, Crosswalk Couples Devotional, the Daily Devotional App, she has work published with Her View from Home, on the MOPS Blog, and is a regular contributor for She has most recently published a devotional, Comfort: A 30 Day Devotional Exploring God's Heart of Love for Mommas. You can find out more about Amanda on her Facebook Page or follow her on Instagram.

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