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Crosswalk the Devotional - Apr. 23, 2008


April 23, 2008

Thank You for Your Support 
by Laura MacCorkle, Senior Entertainment Editor

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10, NIV

Today is “Administrative Professionals Day.” 

If you or someone you know serves as an “administrative support professional,” then this is the day to recognize, be recognized and celebrate!

But even if you don’t, remember this: in various capacities, we all support others and are all supported by others in our lives.

Rhoda is a wonderful example of how to support others well. As a young servant girl, she had an important role to play as a “support professional” working in the household of Mary, mother of John Mark and aunt of Barnabas. 

Before meeting Rhoda, in Acts 12:1-17 we read how Peter had been in prison as a result of King Herod arresting and persecuting believers. It was intended that he go to public trial after Passover. As the church was facing great opposition during this time, Christians were earnestly praying and oftentimes gathering together in Mary’s home. 

On the night before Peter was to go on trial, though, something miraculous happened. An angel came and awoke him as he was sleeping between two soldiers in his cell. Peter’s chains were supernaturally released, and he was led out of the prison!

At first, Peter thought he was dreaming. But he quickly snapped out of it and realized what had happened. He immediately went to Mary’s house so he could share the good news with the other believers. But one thing stood in his way as he stood knocking: a door. Thankfully this wasn’t an obstacle for long, as Rhoda did her job well. And there is much that we can learn from this servant girl’s supportive role…

She did her job. When Rhoda answered the door, she didn’t drag her feet or have a poor attitude. She knew what was required of her and didn’t hesitate to get it done. 

She was focused. Rhoda’s mind was alert. She recognized Peter’s voice at the door when he knocked. She was prepared and knew what she needed to do in this unexpected situation.

She cared. Rhoda was overjoyed when she heard Peter’s voice through the door. She was plugged in to the cause of growing the church. Her heart was in it, and she wanted to do her part!

She was proactive. When Rhoda heard Peter’s voice, she knew this was important information. It was wonderful news, and she knew that those gathered in prayer needed to know this immediately.  

She didn’t give up. When the group didn’t believe Rhoda, she didn’t back down. After they opened the door, Peter shared with the group what God had done. Rhoda’s persistence played a key role in the timely delivery of Peter’s message and the evidence of answered prayers. 

Whether in our jobs, in our families, among our friends, in service at church or in volunteering in our communities—we all support or are supported by others. 

Be encouraged by Rhoda’s example today and know that everything you do—even when you encounter opposition or disbelief—counts in your supportive role in furthering the cause of Christ.

Intersecting Faith & Life: Make a list of the people who support you and make efforts to communicate with them your thankfulness for their service in your life. Then, make a list of the people whom you support (boss, co-workers, spouse, children, pastor, teachers, friends, parents, siblings, etc.) How can you follow Rhoda’s example and serve them better?

Further Reading

Acts 12:1-17
Romans 12:4-8

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