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Peace, Love, and Angels - Crosswalk the Devotional - December 22

Crosswalk the Devotional


Peace, Love, and Angels
by Debbie Holloway, Contributor

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).

Snow comes. Once twilight takes over, lights appear all over the city. People hum Christmas carols as they walk. The Salvation Army bell is heard clanging a block over. Christmas is coming; it’s almost here. And it can be a swirling, hectic time. It can be easy to forget about the quiet importance of Advent Season, and the rich meanings in each Advent candle.

The fourth Advent candle is called the Candle of Love.

If we as Christians are so eager to keep “Christ” in “Christmas” and not surrender the holiday to commercialism, we had better remember to love during this season. Otherwise, what message do we send to the world? Lighting the Candle of Love during Advent season is a reminder of how great the Father’s love is for us. The Incarnation embodied God’s passionate pursuit of all humankind; it showed the depths to which our LORD was willing to go, in order to teach us, redeem us, draw us to himself.

The fourth Advent candle is called the Angel’s candle.

The Angel who proclaimed the news of Christ’s birth to the shepherds had a vital duty: to impart God’s love and good news. For in a world swirling with legends of violent gods, bloody sacrifices, and warring nations, God’s love is the best possible news. The birth of a Messiah was the best possible news.

Are we not to be God’s emissaries, perhaps something like God’s angels, today? Should we not exude joy and spread peace? Should we not glorify God in everything and serve him always?

The fourth Advent candle represents the peace of God.

In a world torn and ragged, Christ alone offers true peace. Let us soak in this peace as we remember the night he lay as an infant in a tumultuous world he would soon change forever. Let us soak in this peace as we partake of the Lord’s Supper and remember that his body was broken out of love for us. Let us become this peace, in a world so full of violence, abuse, and ignorance. For we cannot change the world; but we can open up our own hearts to be transformed through Christ.

Intersecting Faith and Life: Even if you don’t light the Advent candles each week in December, take a moment to reflect on each of their meanings.

Further Reading:

Luke 2:14 
Matthew 5:43-48

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