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Crosswalk the Devotional - July 17, 2008


July 17, 2008

Dark Closets 
by Fred Alberti, Manager of Communities

He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. 
1 corinthians 4:5b

I recently helped with cleaning out the downstairs rooms of our church. We found all sorts of stuff in those rooms… we found electric wheelchairs, Vacation Bible School material from five years ago, pictures, a sofa... stuff that people didn't know how to take care of. So they just put it somewhere so that it couldn't be seen… somewhere that it could be forgotten about.

We sometimes do this with things in our own lives. We do things we know we shouldn't do so we hide them in the closets of our hearts… someplace where we won't have to deal with them anymore.

Maybe it is something someone said or did to us that hurt us. We hide it.

Maybe it is a line in a tax return. We've already received our refund so there is no need to do anything else... We hide it.

But is it really hidden?

Our verse today tells us that the Lord will bring to light the things we've hidden in the darkness.

How about it?

Are the dark closets of your heart bursting at the hinges?

Intersecting Faith & Life: Take some time to do some closet searching this week.

Further Reading

hebrews 4:12-13
search me, lord

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