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When Strong Winds Blow - Crosswalk the Devotional - July 7

Crosswalk the Devotional

When Strong Winds Blow: We’re Secure in His Care
By Debbie McDaniel, Writer

"I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand."  John 10:28

Very early one morning I found a tiny baby bird lying on the ground. Amazingly he was still alive, but the nest was nowhere to be found. I knew he didn't stand a chance without rescue. We're a nature loving family, and my kids had already hovered around. They pleaded with me to do something to help. So, we got a soft towel, carefully scooped him up, cradling him, placed him in a box, and brought him to our city’s Wildlife Rescue Center.

To a place of safety.

To a place where, just maybe, he stood a chance, to live, to grow, to stretch his wings and learn to soar.

The staff at the Rescue Center got him to a warmer, told us how they would feed him and monitor him, and that even though he was small, he had a good chance to survive, now that he was in a safe place.

That night a huge storm blew in. In fact, it was the biggest storm that Houston had seen in years; with torrential rains, strong winds, and huge flooding all across our city. We had water up to our yard, covering all the streets. We couldn't even drive anywhere for days.

I kept thinking back to this baby bird, grateful we'd found him before the huge storm hit, he'd never have survived. And in the days to come, I was incredibly aware of God's reminders through that story, maybe I identified with how helpless he was.

So often in life, we are like that little bird. That God holds in His hands and brings out to safety. We can't always see what's ahead. Sometimes, we feel stuck, not even knowing where to turn. But He gently scoops us up in His protection, reminds us that in His hands, we're in the safest place we could ever be. The storms can rage, the floods can come, and we are still held secure.

When we hold something precious, we naturally tend to cup our hands, holding what we value very securely. That's where the "hollow" of our hand is. And that's where we're covered, in the shadow of His hand. He holds us in a way that we can't fall off, that nothing can snatch us away from that safe place.

Be reminded today, in whatever you face, God Himself is holding you. You may not always feel it, you may not understand all that's going on. But He knows what we don't always know. He sees the big picture when we see only a small part. And often He's bringing us to a place of protection, He's holding us steady, secure, safe in His hands, even when we don't realize it.

We can trust Him. He knows our way. And nothing can snatch us out of His huge care.


Intersecting Faith & Life: If you’ve been a place in life where you’ve felt some strong winds blowing, where it seems that things are uncertain, or you feel like you’ve lost your way, be assured that you’re not left alone. Not ever. Cup your hands together in front of you. That’s how God is holding you right now, steady, secure, and protected. As believers, we can be confident that nothing can ever separate us from God. It doesn’t mean that the winds won’t blow and the storms won’t come. But it does mean we are safe in His care.

Further Reading:
Matthew 6:25-26
Exodus 33:22
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 49:2

Find more by Debbie at www.debbiemcdaniel.comFacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

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