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Crosswalk the Devotional - May 14, 2008


May 14, 2008

Is It Time to Renovate? 
by Laura MacCorkle, Senior Entertainment Editor

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalms 51:10, NIV

If you've managed to make it this far in life and not see a home improvement show, then you are my hero. Or slightly out of touch. Or perhaps both.

Me? I've been drawn in by a number of different home improvement shows on a variety of different channels over the years. But right now, I think my favorite is HGTV's Divine Design with Candice Olson.

I was talking about this show with an artsy friend of mine the other day, and he shares my love for it, too. What makes it stand out for us is that there isn't a next-to-nothing budget involved. The sky is usually the limit and only increases the options for what Candice can do.

Unlike other shows, they're not turning something from the neighborhood bargain-mart into something that looks high dollar. Not that there's anything wrong with that - and I enjoy the more budget-friendly design shows as well. A lot of us are designing and decorating at this price point, and we probably do a good job, too!

But since money is not an issue, Candice and her design squad are able to use the finest materials and implement the most innovative design to turn what was once an ugly, eyesore of room into a masterful showpiece.

I am always amazed to see the final product with each design project that is tackled. How did they do that?  What a clever way to solve that problem!  I wish I could make my [insert the name of the ugliest room in the house here] look as good as that!

I liken this type of quality workmanship to another type of renovation that I read about a short while ago while sitting in church. There, in that Sunday's worship service bulletin, I saw these words printed under the "Public Confession of Sin"... 

Subdue in me the love of sin. Let me know the need of renovation as well as of forgiveness, in order to serve and enjoy You forever.

Spoken aloud, it became my personal cry to the Father, as I asked Him to renovate my heart. To make what is ugly and dated and no longer workable into something that is beautiful, acceptable and pleasing to Him.

Like a high-end designer with an unlimited budget, God spares no expense when He's reworking and reviving our hearts. And when He's done with each round of renovation, hopefully we can stand back and survey His masterful handiwork and shake our heads and wonder: How did He do that?

Perhaps it's time for some renovation in your heart, too. Maybe there are some outdated and not-so-liveable areas that could be greatly improved upon so the Spirit will be more at home in you.

Why not throw open the doors and ask the Great Designer to come into your heart today, so that He may work His wonders? Only He can create purity in our hearts and renew a steadfast spirit within us.

Intersecting Faith & Life: Have you determined that it's time to make some changes around your home that would improve its appearance and functionality? Whether it's minor (like painting) or major (like gutting your kitchen), let the change be a reminder to you of how God can do any type of renovation in our hearts - no matter the cost.

Further Reading

1 John 1:9, NIV
Ezekiel 36:25-26, NIV

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