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Crosswalk the Devotional - May 27, 2009


May 27, 2009

Trust at High Speeds
Katherine Britton, News & Culture Editor

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. – Psalms 9:10

I had been on a WaveRunner before. No problem, I told to myself as I climbed on behind my husband this weekend. I looked down at the brackish water that was more chilly than refreshing and told myself firmly, remember, you like going on adventures with him. Sure enough, David looked back and grinned at me when we got away from the dock. Then he gunned it.

Jumping on a WaveRunner seems easy when I’m the one driving, because then I get to decide just how sharply I want to make my little WaveRunner bank to catch that big wake. Or I can keep shooting out towards the Chesapeake Bay and avoid the wake altogether if I want. I can slow down if I scare myself, and I only “catch some air” if I’m good and ready – which, in reality, is almost never. Riding behind someone else, however, even when I trust him more than anyone, demands a leap of faith. The only thing I have to hang onto is his life jacket, and he gets to make the decisions while I peer over his shoulder. It’s hard to anticipate or even see what is coming next, and leaning the wrong way when we bank could throw me into the cold water at 50 miles per hour.

The truth is, I’m a chicken when it comes to jetskis. Out on the open water, the wind stinging my eyes and convincing me that I’m about to fly off my seat, I’m pushed out of my comfort zone and into something more exhilarating than I’d wander into by myself. And the whole experience stems from letting someone else in the driver’s seat without even a seatbelt for me. David knows I don’t want to capsize, and he directs the WaveRunner accordingly. But he doesn’t let me get too comfortable, because then we might as well take the paddleboat out and save gas. He makes sure we get the full experience of saltwater, fun, and incredible views.

I know I can trust my husband because he loves me – that’s why I follow him out every time we head for the Bay, and even ask if he’ll let me ride with him. If that’s the case, how much more should I trust my Heavenly Father, who knows my fears, needs, and weaknesses far better! God desires to take us on an adventure that let us experience Him and His creation more fully and joyfully than we can imagine.

Focusing on our fear of some abstract unknown keeps us from being open to the adventure unfolding before our eyes every day. We tend to forget God’s amazing promise, that “the LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) Fear and worry indicates that we don’t really believe that promise, and that we think we’d do a better job steering. Instead, when we make a conscious decision to trust the Lord – even when life is way too busy and fast for our liking – we find the peace to take a deep breath, smell the salty air, and enjoy where He is taking us.

Intersecting Faith & Life: If you’re comfortable with life now, are you open to changes in God’s plan for you? If life is crazy now, do you try too hard to make sure everything is under control, instead of resting in God’s promises? Roll down your car window for a minute today and feel the wind rushing by. Remember that the Lord of the universe, the One who controls the wind and the seas, calls us cast all our cares on Him. (1 Peter 5:7)

Further Reading:

Proverbs 19:21
Philippians 4:6-7
The War over Worry


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