Overcoming the Monday Morning Blues - The Crosswalk Devotional - February 3
Overcoming the Monday Morning Blues
By Megan Conner
Bible Reading:
“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” – Psalm 43:5, NIV
Do you find mornings difficult (and not just because you haven’t had your coffee yet)? Do you open your eyes to a sense of apprehension or dread of what might be ahead? Or, do you awaken with joy and thanksgiving for the new day you have been given?
If you are one who struggles with mornings – I get it, I really do. However, I wasn’t always like this. Until recently, getting up and going had not been part of my daily concerns other than the need for some strong coffee. However, my current season has been full of challenges and uncertainty which has brought about this unwelcome wrestle with mornings. Sadly, while I tend to greet each day with immediate trepidation, there is nothing worse than Monday mornings. It is one thing to stare down the projected potential minefield of a single day, but it is another thing entirely to face a full week of them. Today is one of those days – today is a Monday. Today, the struggle is real…
If that’s you as well, I am sorry for all you are facing. I am sorry for the deep concern and hurt that burdens your heart and causes you to greet the day with apprehension. I wholly empathize and I hope to offer you some encouragement today. Just because you have struggled in this way doesn’t mean this is the only reality that will remain. There is way to break through the anxiety that threatens to imprison our hearts and minds. Here are three helpful practices that have brought me comfort, freedom, and dare I say, even joy as I greet each new day.
One incredibly simple yet powerful practice is developing a morning routine. I know its sounds elementary but this exercise is what gets us out of bed and allows us to reset and reframe as we “wake up” from the darkness both physically and emotionally. You don’t have to overcome an entire day the moment you open your eyes. Simplify what is ahead. Create a routine that includes just a few simple steps. My morning routine is incredibly basic: get out of bed, brush my teeth, make coffee. Once you have repeated this same pattern multiple times, it will become almost robotic; making getting out of bed each day easier.
Once I have completed my basic morning routine, it is much simpler to transition to step two. My body is now up and moving and it is time to kick-start my heart. We are so easily distracted and at times, even deceived, by the disappointments and chaos of life. As outlined in the parable of the sower, our seeds of faith can be choked out by the cares of this world and we can become unsatisfied and unfruitful (Matt. 13:22). This is why we must remind ourselves of the promises of God found in His Word. Reading or engaging with the Bible, in whatever format works best for you, is a key to discovering freedom from depression and hopelessness.
The third and final routine that helps us gain victory over our Monday morning blues is intentionally practicing gratitude. When we wake up in the morning, we tend to see lack instead of abundance. But the truth is, there are blessings all around us. In the big or the small, no matter how devastating or undesirable our circumstances, there is some measure of goodness present. We just need to open our hearts and eyes to see it. And when we do, the entire posture of our hearts change. We thank our Heavenly Father for the blessings He has bestowed upon us. And then… faith arises. If God was faithful to provide the provisions we are now recognizing, then He is faithful to give us every single thing we need for today (or if it is a Monday, for the entire week).
The next time you open your eyes to dread or lack, may I encourage you to stir up your soul like the psalmist of old and declare:
“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” (Ps. 43:5, NIV)
Intersecting Faith & Life:
Are you someone who awakens with apprehension when faced with a new day, or a new week? If so, how do these three practical steps help you learn another way to navigate through these difficult moments? Do you have a morning routine? If so, is it working for you? If not, take some time today and develop a new plan for the start of your day. It does not need to be a burden. Start with some small simple steps. As you grow more comfortable with your new routine, try to add in one next step each time you gain greater peace and clarity.
Further Reading:
Matthew 13:1-23
Psalm 43:3-5
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Sorajack
To read more from Megan, check out her Blog, Just One More Chapter. If you would like to connect further with Megan, you can discover more on her Website, on Facebook, or Instagram.
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Related Resource: 3 Simple Steps to Manage Your Emotions
Are you tired of up-and-down feelings stealing your peace, sabotaging your relationships, and filling your mind with self-defeating thoughts? What if you had a proven emotional management tool to biblically respond to your feelings with compassion and clarity? Join us for today’s episode to discover three simple steps to manage emotions, reduce stress, improve decision-making, and grow closer to God. If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe to The Love Offering on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode!