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Perfect Plans - Crosswalk the Devotional - February 24, 2015

Crosswalk the Devotional


Perfect Plans
by Anna Kuta

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

When I graduated from college, I had no job – but no worries. Many of my business-major friends had known since the previous fall where they would be accepting a job, living and working, but that isn’t the way the journalism industry works. I’d been advised by plenty of my journalism professors that the type of jobs I’d be looking for were the type that hired to fill positions immediately. So in the days after I moved back home and packed away my graduation robe and apartment furnishings, I confidently began applying to media-related jobs in the area, waiting for my dream job to come along any day.

Two weeks later, nothing. My best friend got hired and started work. I spent every day searching the Internet for job openings, attempting to network, and submitting applications left and right. Two months later, still nothing. It seemed like with each day that passed, someone else I knew accepted a job, but I just knew my moment was right around the corner.

But as July rolled into August, and still no prospects, I was starting to freak out big time. I began applying to every job I could find that was semi-related to anything that even sounded remotely interesting. I prayed for God to open a door where He wanted me, to bring along the right job at the right time, and to help me be patient and not stress out.

Then, suddenly, two opportunities arose. I was so sure this was the answer to my prayer. I held off on the first one to pursue the other, but when I went in for an informal interview, I was informed that the job actually didn’t exist after all. I contacted the first job again, but that position had already been filled. Seriously? I asked God. All the grand plans I’d been making in my mind just crashed and burned.

A few days later I was moping around on the couch, and I decided to do another sweep of all the job search websites for the 400th time. Something caught my eye, a new job listing that wasn’t there before. As I read the description, it was like someone had gotten inside my head and summarized everything I wanted in a job but had yet to actually verbalize. It sounded almost too good to be true. I applied, and before I knew it, I received a phone call to begin the interview process. And then, just a few weeks later, I screamed in excitement as I received a phone call with the job offer. You’ve probably figured by now I’m referring to my job here at Crosswalk, and you’re right. It’s been almost six months now, and I still refer to it to everybody as my “dream job.”

Today, it could not be more obvious to me how God worked all the details together for me in my job search last summer, even when at times I wanted to despair. I ended up with the perfect job and I got to enjoy one last summer vacation. The timing of it all fell into perfect place with every other event happening in my life. I had great opportunities this summer to serve the Lord and grow in my faith, and most of all, I learned some of the most valuable lessons I’ve ever learned about trusting God and waiting for Him.

Romans 8:28 says that all things in the lives of those who love God and who have accepted Him will ultimately contribute to our good. It doesn’t say everything in our lives will be good, but that everything will work together for an outcome in our lives that is pleasing to God. Notice Paul makes it very clear that it’s something granted only to those who “love God and who are the called according to His purpose.” We know from John 14:15 that we show our love for God by keeping his commandments – and being one of “the called” means making Him the Lord of every area of our lives when we accept His call of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

God absolutely cares about all the small details of our lives. Right now, you might be facing a situation that makes no sense. We live in a sinful world, and bad things happen. It may seem that your prayers are going unanswered. But God promises that he has a perfect plan for the lives of those who truly love and follow Him and who have received salvation through Jesus. You may not realize right this moment – or ever – why things happen just the way they do, but if you have accepted God’s call of the gospel, you can trust that He is working everything in your life together for His ultimate purpose.

Intersecting Faith & Life: Looking back on your life, can you see times when God worked out all the details for good and situations that have shaped you and brought you closer to the Lord? What did He teach you through those times, and what is He teaching you through your current situation? Trust Him that He continues to do His perfect work in your life as you continue to follow Him.

Further Reading

Jeremiah 29:11

Proverbs 19:21

Proverbs 3:5-6

1 Corinthians 1:24

Philippians 3:14

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