Daily Disciples Devotional

Daily Disciples Devotional - December 15

December 15

Today's Reading:  Psalms 23-25; Acts 21:18-40
Today's Thoughts: Today is The Day

O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works. Psalm 86:7-8 

Several months ago, I wrote the following letter to my sister. She had written to me with questions about the Lord. Where is He when she is hurting so much? I was reminded of this letter as my sisters and mother were visiting with me last week. We each described our hurts and struggles. There was comfort in being together, but the greatest comfort is in knowing the Lord. The words still hold true and maybe today, you are in the same place or know someone who is struggling with the same issues. We pray that these words minister to your heart…

Jesus has been waiting for you your whole life. He knows exactly where you are and how you feel. He knows what it is to suffer and hurt. Hebrews 4:15 says that we have a great High Priest who understands our sufferings and pain because He, Himself, endured so much more. Our only hope is Jesus. He is the only one who can heal you. And He will heal you...that is why He died. He had to die or we would all be lost. His Holy Spirit is now moving on your heart, which is why you are asking these questions. Your questions are really directed towards Him. All He wants from you is your heart, nothing more. All you have to do is let Him in...you will have no peace until you do. The Bible has your answers but you will not understand what the Bible says until you have been saved by the very blood that was shed when Jesus died. "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities…and by His stripes we are healed" Isaiah 53:5

He loves you and He wants you to be His child. You are precious in His sight. The Lord will give you answers but you must go through His Son, Jesus. John 14:6 says “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." So many people refuse to accept this truth but it is the truth. Jesus is the only way. I am going to give you the prayer to ask Him into your heart...pray it in your heart....

Dear Lord, I thank You for Jesus, whom You sent to the cross to die for me.
I know, Lord, that I am a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. Please cleanse me of them all and make me new today. Jesus, I ask that You come into my heart and save me. Please heal me and make me whole. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I may understand Your word and live a new life in You. Thank You for saving me. Thank You for loving me. Help me to live for You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

It is that simple. All of the rest will come. You have a whole life ahead that God wants to use for His purposes. The enemy has held you down too long. The victory begins today in Jesus. God has a plan for your life. It is never too late.

Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc., founded by Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks, embraces a vision to reach the world for Christ by teaching others how to be His daily disciples. Their mission is to evangelize the lost and to re-awaken the saved to live lives empowered by the Word of God and His Holy Spirit, and to teach and to train those who desire to grow, to serve and to have all that God has for them…encouraging everyone to be a daily disciple of Jesus Christ. From Bible studies to daily devotionals to daily radio programs to a comprehensive discipleshipprogram, Bobbye  & Tonilee have a passion to help others apply the Word of God to their lives every day.