Daily Disciples Devotional

Daily Disciples Devotional - May 17

May 17


Today's Reading1 Chronicles 1-3; John 5:25-47

Today's Thoughts: God Never Forgets You


"Remember these things, O Jacob, for you are my servant, O Israel. I have made you, you are my servant; O Israel, I will not forget you. I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you." Isaiah 43:21-22


Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) was chosen by God, but not because he was sinless or above reproach from man's perspective. His descendants were just like us- real people with real problems making real mistakes. But God used this group of people to bring Jesus into the world and to give us a relationship back to God. Even though we have been dealing with the same sin issues since creation, God does not separate Himself from us because of our sin. Jesus made a way for us to be united with God forever.  We do not have the ability to become perfect while on earth but we can be perfected (or conformed) into God's image because of Christ.


It is because of the cross that all things are made new. We need to cling to the cross because it is there that we have been set free. We are forgiven, reconciled back to God and called out to be used of Him. I need to do nothing else but to accept that my sins have been cleansed and be willing to accept how the debt has been paid. It is of the Lord that we have been called. We are His witnesses established for His glory and sanctified for His purposes.


Nothing we do can separate us from Him but the same is not true of us. We tend to hang on to our sins, which lead us away from the Lord. Jesus has cleansed us from all sin--past, present and future. Our thoughts should not be on our sins as much as on our Savior. We need to be thanking Him for how good God is that He made a way for us to be with Him forever.


Relax. Take in a deep breathe. Then think about how much grace has abounded to you. Talk to the Lord about the sin issues in your life that keep pulling you away from Him. And thank Him for never pulling away from you.

Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc.,  founded by Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks, embraces a vision to reach the world for Christ by teaching others how to be His daily disciples. Their mission is to evangelize the lost and to re-awaken the saved to live lives empowered by the Word of God and His Holy Spirit, and to teach and to train those who desire to grow, to serve and to have all that God has for them…encouraging everyone to be a daily disciple of Jesus Christ. From Bible studies to daily devotionals to daily radio programs to a comprehensive discipleshipprogram, Bobbye  & Tonilee have a passion to help others apply the Word of God to their lives every day.