Daily Disciples Devotional

Daily Disciples - Feb. 15, 2011


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February 15

Today's ReadingLeviticus 17; Matthew 27:27-50

Today's Thoughts: How to Have a quiet time with God.

The following is an excerpt taken out of the Daily Disciples Prayer Journal: Building Divine Prayer Time. 

Here are some of our ideas to help you make your "quiet time" a habit…

Choose a time and stick with it…whatever time you choose, make it a priority. You can put up sticky notes to remind yourself on the bathroom mirror, car dash board, by the telephone or even on the refrigerator. It takes 21 days of doing something consistently to make a habit.

Choose a place…some place where you can be alone and not distracted. Choose a consistent place where you can keep all your materials. And you want a place that you go often.

Open with a prayer …start talking to God and asking Him to hear your heart.

·         Refer to "How to Pray" for tips on praying on www.dailydisciples.org website

·         Be honest with the Lord and tell Him how you are doing

·         Focus on Him first, then on your needs

·         Keep your time frame in mind, if you are limited for time

Open your Bible…depending on your available (try not to short cut this time). Pick a reading plan that you will follow everyday.

Keep a Prayer Journal…write down any notes on the verses and your prayers.

We encourage you to have a quiet time with God. That is how your relationship with God will grow. Be sure that you listen with your eyes as you read the Word and then be quiet before Him as your ears will hear His voice. If you are looking for more instruction, we have Bible studies, CDs, DVDs and we wrote a book called, "Building Divine Intimacy with God." They are on our e-store at www.dailydisciples.org

Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit. Daily Disciples Ministries makes a difference for the kingdom of God by teaching and training believers how to be in God's Word, how to pray and how to walk with Jesus every day, as His daily disciple.
Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc.