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Daily Disciples - Oct. 31, 2010

October 31

Today's ReadingJeremiah 22; Titus 1

Today's Thoughts: Money as Master

On Monday nights, Bobbye and I have been hosting and teaching the Awful "A"s. Last week's topic was anxiety. The anxiety over money came resurfacing which lead us to talk about Matthew 6. This verse was highlighted:

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money" from Matthew 6:24 (NIV)

I was educated, trained and worked as a registered nurse. My specialty was heart transplantation and Intensive Care Units. Then, Bobbye and I started writing and teaching women's Bible studies and sensed the Lord leading us into women's ministry, which did become full time. In both of these positions, I worked with people who recognized their need for help in some way, physically or spiritually. Their dependency would be on the medical care system or God. The sense of dependency brought a softness, kindness, willingness and a sincerity to the forefront. Their words expressed a tone of thankfulness that someone was willing to help, listen and even counsel for healing. Rarely did I find the people argumentative, angry, untrusting or defensive.

When our media company started, however, I saw a completely different side to the people even if they were recipients of the ministry first. I really believe this happens when money is involved. I believe it is because health and spirituality tend to stem from the heart. We become vulnerable, weak and even somewhat confused and dependent. But, when dealing with our jobs and money, our minds are overly involved. The conversation becomes more academic and calculated. It becomes about a risk-benefit ratio and wanting very much for very little.

When we are more money-oriented, we tend to become more protective, guarded, apprehensive and tight fisted. We do not want to be taken advantage of or misguided. I believe that is why the Lord said that we cannot serve both God and money. It is very difficult to approach spiritual things with that kind of thinking. It does not lead to a softened heart. I also believe that many people come to Christ when their health deteriorates because that kind of thinking leads to a soft heart (and I can personally testify to this).

Every single person who works for us is ministry minded; our desire is to give unconditionally. However, our media company could not remain a ministry because we needed to have clear guidelines, agendas, contracts, deadlines and monthly payments (instead of donations).

Although I love everything that I do and all the roles I hold (from ministry to media), my heart has broken more often for those I meet in the media company than those I serve in the ministry. Why? Because the Lord cannot abundantly provide and multiply through clinched fists and fear-based decision-making skills.

Faith needs to be a universal, personal and daily decision. Faith should be exercised in our prayer closets as well as in our verbal and nonverbal communication skills.  God rewards faith and fear prevents the presence of God to reign in our lives. God wants us to be devoted to Him alone so He can use money as a tool to help us and bless us. Money is a thankless god to serve but for some reason, I have a feeling that more of us are serving "it" instead of the God we claim to love and serve. 

Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit. Daily Disciples Ministries makes a difference for the kingdom of God by teaching and training believers how to be in God's Word, how to pray and how to walk with Jesus every day, as His daily disciple.
Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc. 

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