Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Don’t Stuff Your Pain, Tell God about It - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - April 8, 2017

Don’t Stuff Your Pain, Tell God About It
By Rick Warren

“Get up, cry out in the night, even as the night begins. Pour out your heart like water in prayer to the Lord”  (Lamentations 2:19a NCV).

Think you’ve had a bad day? The biblical character of Job had a Ph.D. in pain and loss. In the very first chapter of Job, after everything fell apart in his life, “Job stood up, tore his robe in grief, and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground and worshiped” (Job 1:20 GW).

Job expressed his pain to God. When you have a major loss in your life, the first thing you need to do is tell God exactly how you feel.

This may surprise you, but God can handle your anger and frustration. He can handle your emotions. Why? Because he gave them to you. You were made in the image of God, and he is an emotional God.

When your 2-year-old has a temper tantrum and beats on your knees, you can handle that. In the same way, God is bigger than your emotion, and it’s okay to tell him exactly how you feel. When you prayed for a promotion but it didn’t happen, when a loved one walks out of your life, when you get the dreaded call saying, “It’s cancer,” you can tell God, “I’m mad. I’m upset. I’m sick. I’m frustrated. I’m ticked off. I doubt.” God can handle your complaints, your questions, your fear, and your grief. God’s love for you is bigger than all of your emotions.

My kids know I love them. They know that I’ve been on this planet longer than they have and that I’ve had more experience than they have. But my children sometimes question my judgment. Can you believe that?

I’d rather have an honest, gut-level conversation with them than have them stuff their frustration and disappointment inside. God is the same way! He would rather have you wrestle with him in anger than walk away in detached apathy.

The right response to unexplained tragedy is not “grin and bear it.” Lamentations 2:19a says, “Get up, cry out in the night, even as the night begins. Pour out your heart like water in prayer to the Lord” (NCV).

Play today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over

  • Who is the first person you usually talk to about your troubles? Why do you trust that person?
  • What have been the physical and emotional effects of keeping your anger to yourself?
  • What can you do to be more honest with God in your prayers (if need be)?
  • God is listening as you pour out your heart to him. How will this truth change your prayers?

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

"God's Power to Change Your Life" Hardback Book

Pastor Rick wrote God’s Power to Change Your Life to help you get out of your rut and back on track with God’s big dreams for your life.
God’s Power to Change Your Life will help you:

• Become more loving
• Live more peacefully
• Cultivate patience
• Develop self-control
• Follow your God-given dreams

God’s Power to Change Your Life is our gift to thank you for your support this month, so please give now and request your copy.

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This devotional © 2017 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can also listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.