Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Spiritual Growth Must be Intentional - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - January 22, 2017

Spiritual Growth Must Be Intentional
By Rick Warren

“Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:12b-13 NIV).

Growth in the human soul requires a commitment to grow. A person must want to grow, decide to grow, and make an effort to grow.

Spiritual growth begins with a decision. It doesn’t have to be a complex decision, but it does have to be sincere. When Jesus’ followers decided to choose his way, they didn’t understand all the implications of their decision. They simply expressed a desire to follow him, and that was the beginning of an exciting journey of the soul. Jesus took that simple but sincere decision and built on it.

In Philippians 2:12b-13, Paul offers insight into spiritual growth while speaking to people who already believe: “Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (NIV).

Notice that it says “work out” — not “work on” — your salvation. There is nothing you can do to save yourself spiritually; Christ took care of that by his life, death, and Resurrection. The important thing to note is that God has a part in our growth — but so do we. We must make an intentional effort to grow.

Play today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over

  • What does it mean to “work out” your salvation?
  • In what specific ways are you making an intentional effort to grow spiritually? What else might you do this year?
  • Why do you think God requires effort on our part for spiritual growth?

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

Transformed Study Kit

Experience a real transformation from the inside out!
Is there a positive change you want to see in your life in 2017? If so, we want to send you a study kit Pastor Rick Warren has put together called Transformed to help make it happen!

Pastor Rick teaches 7 biblically based lessons in Transformed that will help you experience a real transformation from the inside out this year.

The Transformed study kit includes a 7-session DVD and a leather-bound workbook. And it’s our gift to thank you for your financial support of Daily Hope, so please request it when you give.

This devotional © 2017 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can also listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.