Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Enjoy What God Has Given You - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - July 8, 2022

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Enjoy What God Has Given You
By Rick Warren

“If God gives us wealth and property and lets us enjoy them, we should be grateful and enjoy what we have worked for. It is a gift from God.” Ecclesiastes 5:19 (GNT)

The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:17 that God “richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (NIV). That’s the kind of God we serve. He gave us the world for our enjoyment! But here’s the problem: We’re so busy getting more that we don’t enjoy what we’ve got.

The secret of contentment is to learn to enjoy what God has given you. Ecclesiastes 5:19 says, “If God gives us wealth and property and lets us enjoy them, we should be grateful and enjoy what we have worked for. It is a gift from God” (GNT). 

Instead of grasping for more, pay attention to what you have now. Open your eyes, appreciate what God has already given you, and enjoy what you’ve got.

One of my favorite things to do is to watch the sunrise from the slope in our yard. I put a deck chair out there almost 20 years ago. I think I bought it at Target, and it wasn’t expensive. It’s faded, and a couple of slats are broken. I love to sit in that ratty, old chair and watch the sun come up. It gives me great pleasure!

Would I have any more joy watching the sunrise if I were sitting in a diamond-encrusted recliner instead of my old, worn chair? No, it would not increase my joy one bit. In fact, there is an advantage to not having a diamond-encrusted recliner and instead being content with my old chair—no one will steal it!

You need to ask yourself, “What am I not enjoying right now?” Most of us get into what I call “when and then” thinking: “When this happens, then I’ll be happy.”

“When I get a boyfriend, then I’ll be happy.” “When I get married, then I’ll be happy.” “When I have kids, then I’ll be happy.” “When my kids go off to school, then I’ll be happy.” “When I get married again, then I’ll be happy.”

But here’s the truth: You are as happy as you choose to be. If you’re not happy now, you’re not going to be happy later. Happiness is a choice! 

I could take you to some of the poorest places in the world and show you two people living right next door to each other. One is miserable, and one is happy. Why? Happiness has nothing to do with your circumstances and everything to do with your attitude. 

If you’re not happy with what you’re living on right now, I can guarantee that you’re not going to be happy with more. Because no matter what you have, you’re always going to want a little bit more.

Happiness is a choice. Choose right now to enjoy what God has given you!

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.