Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Enough Light for the Next Step - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - June 11, 2023

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Enough Light for the Next Step
By Rick Warren

“Understanding your word brings light to the minds of ordinary people.” Psalm 119:130 (CEV)

Everyone needs light. You need physical light to make sure you can see the world around you, to avoid running into obstacles.

Through his Word, God wants to provide light for your mind too. The Bible says, “Understanding your word brings light to the minds of ordinary people” (Psalm 119:130 CEV).

God wants to give light—his light—to every single person. He wants to light up your mind with the truth of who he is and his next step for your life. 

Biblical meditation is often the key to turning on that light. You have to soak your mind in the light. Biblical meditation isn’t losing your mind to the universe; it’s focusing it on the Word of God. When you do that, you bring light to your life. 

Through his Word, God helps you to see life through a different perspective. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (NIV). God’s Word gives you direction in life. It shows you the path God wants you to take. 

When Psalm 119 was written, the “lamp” referred to a candle in a lamp that people carried with them as they walked in the darkness. It was similar to how we might use a flashlight today. If you hold a flashlight and you want the light to shine further down your path, you have to take the next step. 

Many times I’ve been stuck and looking for light from God for my whole path. But I’ve found that God gives us just enough light for the next step. You take that next step, and God gives you light for the step after that. 

One of the best ways to turn on the light of God’s Word is to pray God’s Word, like Psalm 119:18: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law” (NIV). 

If you want to see wonderful things from God’s Word, then ask God to open your eyes to what he wants to do through your life.

He’s ready to turn on the light.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.