Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Your Body: Don't Reject It; Don't Neglect It - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - June 24, 2017

Your Body: Don't Reject It; Don't Neglect It
By Rick Warren

“You made my whole being; you formed me in my mother’s body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well” (Psalm 139:13-14 NCV).

God made you in an amazing and wonderful way! Psalm 139:13-14 says, “You made my whole being; you formed me in my mother’s body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well” (NCV).

God sees you as a work of art. He does not look at you critically but with deep love. Our bodies are his workmanship.

Knowing that truth, what is the right attitude toward your body? Don't reject it, and don't neglect it.

Keeping your body in shape is a spiritual discipline. God created your body, Jesus died for it, and the Holy Spirit lives in it. Your body is connected to Christ, and it’s going to be resurrected one day. One day God will hold you accountable for how you managed your body.

But he doesn’t leave you alone to do that. He is with you every step of your journey to become healthy and strong.

Play today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over

  • God gave you the body that you will need to complete your mission here on Earth. How does that change the way you look at your body?
  • When you reject your body, you are essentially saying, “God, you made a mistake!” What would be a better way to talk to God about your body?
  • What are the strengths God has given you? What can you do with those strengths for God’s glory?

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

This devotional © 2017 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.