Daily Hope with Rick Warren

God Will Tell You What to Say - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - March 16, 2022

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God Will Tell You What to Say 
By Rick Warren

“The Holy Spirit, God's gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong, and to love them and enjoy being with them. If you will stir up this inner power, you will never be afraid to tell others about our Lord. 2 Timothy 1:7-8 (TLB)

Over the last few days, we’ve looked at some of the reasons you can be confident when sharing your faith. Remember, you don’t have to know all the answers, because Jesus does. 

And, you have to learn to be a good listener so you can find the key to someone’s heart and lead them to Jesus.

Here’s something else you need to remember: You're not alone when you share your hope in Christ. God is with you. And his Spirit is working in that other person's heart while you're talking. 

The Bible says, “The Holy Spirit, God's gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong, and to love them and enjoy being with them. If you will stir up this inner power, you will never be afraid to tell others about our Lord (2 Timothy 1:7-8 TLB). 

You'll never be afraid to tell others about the Lord when you realize the Holy Spirit's power and God's truth are in you. That should give you a lot of confidence!

Another Bible passage to help you share your faith is Luke 21:13-15“This will be your chance to tell about your faith. Don’t worry about what you will say to defend yourselves. I will give you the wisdom to know what to say” (CEV).

It’s common to get anticipatory fear. You think, "I don't know what to say to that person at the office, on the soccer field, or in my neighborhood.” But God says to you, "I will tell you what to say when you need it." 

What an amazing promise! You may not feel ready or equipped to share the gospel, but the truth is, you have everything you need in God’s presence and power in you.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.