Daily Hope with Rick Warren

God Is Aware of You and Your Needs - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - March 25, 2018

God Is Aware of You and Your Needs
By Rick Warren

“So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9 HCSB).

God is omniscient. That means he knows everything, including everything about you and your life. God knows about your faults and failures, your feelings and frustrations — and your future.

God also knows your fears. He knows everything that gets you stressed out. For instance, many of us today are concerned about the economy, and so we have financial fears.

And then we act as if God is unaware of our bills. “Don’t you see, God? I’m going under! I’m not going to make it!” We’re trying to stretch and make ends meet. We get uptight and upset, and we worry. But worry is the result of not understanding the omniscience of God.

The truth is, God is aware of all your needs. Prayer is never giving information to God. He already knows what is going on; he already knows all about you. The Bible says, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6:8 NIV). He’s aware of every single need you have: financial, spiritual, physical, social, and emotional.

Finally, God knows your faithfulness. He sees everything you do that is good and right. Every time you choose not to sin, every time you resist temptation, every time you take a stand because of God’s truth, he sees your faithfulness to him.

The Bible says every good deed will be rewarded, no matter how insignificant it is and regardless of whether anybody else on Earth sees it. Every encouragement you give to other people, every time you pick up around the office when it’s not your job, every time you set up chairs in church, every time you refuse to gossip — God sees it all, no matter how small, according to Matthew 10:40-42.

You may be saying, “I’ve been trying to do the right thing in my marriage. I don’t see any results.” “I’ve been trying to be the right kind of person and respond correctly with my kids (or to my parents).” “I’ve been trying to do the right thing at work (or at school). And I don’t know if it’s paying off. I don’t see it making any difference in anybody’s life.”

God says, “I see it, and it doesn’t matter who else sees it.” Nothing good you do is ever done in vain: “So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9 HCSB).

Don’t be discouraged! Keep on doing good and trusting God to provide for you.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over

Where can you find encouragement when you are discouraged in relationships and ministry?

Would others say that you trust God to provide for you? What evidence would they point to?

How does prayer change you?

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

You Make Me Crazy Complete Audio Series

Because we all know someone who tests our patience…

God calls us to love real people who don’t always act ideal. But it’s not easy.

That’s why Pastor Rick Warren’s complete audio series titled, You Make Me Crazy, is so powerful. It’s a series worth sharing with others. And it’s a series you’ll want to hear yourself again and again.
The eight messages are available as a CD boxed set or downloadable MP3s. They include:

Six Keys to Peace in Relationships
Who’s Pushing Your Buttons?
Resolving Conflict God’s Way
Finding the Love of Your Life
Breaking Free from Abuse
Escaping the People Pleaser Trap
Keeping the Crazy-makers from Making You Crazy
How to Keep Your Marriage Growing

The You Make Me Crazy complete audio series is our gift to thank you for your donation to help more people learn, love, and live the Word. Request your copy today when you give below.

Thank you for your support—and we pray God uses the You Make Me Crazy audio series to help you better love the crazy-makers in your life!

This devotional © 2017 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.