Daily Hope with Rick Warren

We Serve Because We are Saved - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - October 2, 2015


We Serve Because We are Saved

“It is he who saved us and chose us for his holy work not because we deserved it but because that was his plan.” (2 Timothy 1:9a TLB)

You were saved to serve God. The Bible says, “It is he who saved us and chose us for his holy work not because we deserved it but because that was his plan” (2 Timothy 1:9a TLB).

God redeemed you so you could do his “holy work.” You’re not saved by service, but you are saved for service. In God’s Kingdom, you have a place, a purpose, a role, and a function to fulfill. This gives your life great significance and value.

It cost Jesus his own life to purchase your salvation. The Bible reminds us, “God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honor God” (1 Corinthians 6:20 CEV).

We don’t serve God out of guilt or fear or even duty but out of joy and deep gratitude for what he’s done for us. We owe him our lives. Through salvation our past has been forgiven, our present is given meaning, and our future is secured. In light of these incredible benefits Paul concluded, “Because of God’s great mercy …. Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service” (Romans 12:1a TEV).

The apostle John taught that our loving service to others shows that we are truly saved. He said, “Our love for each other proves that we have gone from death to life” (1 John 3:14 CEV).

If you have no love for others, no desire to serve others, and you’re only concerned about your needs, you should question whether Christ is really in your life. A saved heart is one that wants to serve.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over

  • Why is serving others so significant in our walk with Jesus?
  • In what ways are you using your body to honor God (1 Corinthians 6:20)?
  • Many people think they are too busy or have too many responsibilities to serve others. If that’s how you feel, take some time to pray, and ask God to show you what needs to change in your life so that you can be obedient to him.

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit rickwarren.org


Daily Inspiration for The Purpose Driven Life

In Daily Inspiration for The Purpose Driven Life, Pastor Rick has taken all the key verses that explain how God created each of us for five purposes and put them into an easy-to-use reference tool that will help anyone study and memorize God’s Word.


This devotional © 2016 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can also listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.