Rebecca Barlow Jordan Daily in Your Presence Devotional

<< Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - Aug. 1

Day 214


We do not know what we ought to pray for,

but the Spirit himself intercedes for us

with groans that words cannot express.

Romans 8:26

My child, bring Me your burdened heart often. You don't know what to pray?  My Spirit, alive and well inside your heart, longs to pray through you. Bring every tear before My throne, for My Spirit knows and hears the unspoken words you long to utter. How precious to Me are the prayers of My saints. I am your intercessor, and I will hear every uncertain word, misguided thought, and confused question—and bottle them with your tears to present to My Father.

Lord, when I have no words to say, You take my silent prayers and form a stairway to heaven, where God hears the deepest desires of my heart. In that sacred place known only to the Father, Your Spirit translates my longings into acceptable sacrifices. You are my precious intercessor.


Prayer opens heaven's doors.

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