Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - Dec. 28

Day 363


Behind the second curtain was a room called

the Most Holy Place.

Hebrews 9:3

My child, just as My high priests in Scripture enjoyed sacred moments in the Most Holy Place, I treasure our time together daily. You are free to come and go as you wish. No curtains separate us now. Only sin can break the fellowship, but your sonship is forever. Guard our time, My child. I am your Most Holy Place now. I deserve the best, and I want all of you—mind, body, and spirit. I want to know that you and your heart are really "there" with Me.

In that quiet spot each morning, Lord, where I come to share my heart, You wait expectantly.  You are the Most Holy Place, a sacred dwelling place now open for all to enter.  Thank You for tearing the curtain down, the past barrier to our fellowship. Thank You for inviting me into Your presence. Lord, if You gave me access to Your most private room, surely I can entrust the keys to the rooms of my heart to You—including all the secret places.


Children love to hear the sound of their Father's voice.

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