Rebecca Barlow Jordan Daily in Your Presence Devotional

<< Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Refiner - Daily in Your Presence - Feb. 13

 Day 44


These [trials] have come so that your faith
of greater worth than gold,
which perishes even though refined by fire—
may be proved genuine and may result in praise.
1 Peter 1:7

My child, if I never allowed your faith to be tested, and if I never turned up the heat, how would you experience My deliverance? Would you settle for a dull finish, or would you rather reflect My light? Hold My hand tightly. We'll walk through the fire together.

Who wants to go through the fire, Lord? Yet, even in the hottest flames, You are with me. Sometimes it hurts when the outside layers are burned away. And just when I think I can stand it no longer, I see gold, Lord. I praise You for what I am becoming in Jesus. Thank You for being my refiner.


Whatever comes my way has already passed God's inspection.

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