Rebecca Barlow Jordan Daily in Your Presence Devotional

<< Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - June 22


Day 174


"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? 
Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from
the will of your Father."
Matthew 10:29

My child, I will never turn away when you are hurting, nor will I heap on your shoulders more than you can bear. I'm sensitive to your pain, and I feel the deepest cries of your heart. You cannot fathom that I could care for millions and still acknowledge one of My children's needs. That's the kind of Father I am. And that's the kind I'll always be.

Lord, I'm amazed at Your sensitivity. With the whole world's problems to consider — managing presidents and kings, mending broken lives, moving mountains, mopping up floods, to name a few — You still have time to care for the smallest of Your creations. And You have time for me. Thank You, Lord.


The test of true love is a servant spirit.

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