Rebecca Barlow Jordan Daily in Your Presence Devotional

<< Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - June 29

Day 181


You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness,
O God our Savior.
Psalms 65:5

My child, does your heart still search for truth? Are you confused about the whys of life? Study My words. Let Me share with you the mysteries of My kingdom, available only to My children. I reward the diligent seeker, as I hold the keys to life. I'm waiting to unveil so many things I want you to know. I am the answer.

A thousand questions pelt my life like the raindrops of a summer storm. Too often, after I've searched in vain, I finally turn to You. You not only have the answers I need, but You are the answer. Through nature, through Your Word, through the whisperings of Your Spirit, I hear You, Lord.


Even in changing times, God's faithfulness remains a constant source of help — ever loving, ever guiding, ever giving.

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