Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - June 5


Day 157


Although he was a son,
he learned obedience from what he suffered.
Hebrews 5:8


My child, like most parents, I need your obedience. With-out the boundaries My love outlines for you, you would become an easy target for every kind of harmful influence. Your obedience is your safety net, for it ushers in My guaranteed protection and blessing daily. Sometimes I allow difficult things to enter your life in order to conform you to My image. Even as I learned to submit to My Father, you must do the same, knowing it will draw you closer to the Father's heart.

If You, the perfect Son of God, had to learn obedience, how much more do I need that lesson! Lord, my suffering often brings obedience, too, but it usually comes through painful rebellion first. Thank You for understanding my heart's desire: to obey You at all costs.


What failure can teach you depends on what you are willing to learn.

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