Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Tenderness - Daily in Your Presence - May 26

Day 147


He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.

Isaiah 40:11 


My child, you are indeed one of My precious lambs. I know your nature. Like a sheep that easily wanders astray, your cries bring Me to your side in a moment. When you are hurting, I do not pour salt on your wounds. Instead, you will feel My soothing love and tender touch, healing the cuts you have sustained. When you cannot walk alone, I will carry you gently until you have safely reached green pastures again.

Just like a caring shepherd, You carry me as one of Your lambs close to Your heart. I love Your tenderness, the way You nurture me and soothe my bleeding wounds. I want to stay close, Lord, listening for Your heartbeat, keeping my eyes on You. I love You, Lord.


There are no greener pastures than God's own backyard.

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