Rebecca Barlow Jordan Daily in Your Presence Devotional

<< Daily in Your Presence, with Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Daily in Your Presence - Sept. 3

Day 247


"You see the people crowding against you,"

his disciples answered,

"and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?' "   

Mark 5:31

My child, no matter how large My world grows, and no matter how many children I have, there is room in My heart for every one of them. I especially hear the cries of My hurting children and feel the touch of faith from those who press through to reach My heart. I want all to come to Me, and none to perish. I am aware of every heartfelt need, every devastating pain, every crushing blow you face. Reach out and touch Me, My child, and I will make you whole.

You see my face, speak my name, and touch my life, even among a thousand other people. How is it that You, who care for so many, still have time for me? Your awareness of those around You amazes me, Lord. You are such a personal, loving God.


When we travel, we see landmarks. When Jesus traveled, He saw faces.

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