Encouragement Café

A Parade For Me - Encouragement Café - Mar. 12, 2015

A Parade For Me

Café Menu for Thursday, March 12, 2015

Today’s Special is: He Goes Before You

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Paris Renae

Main Ingredient:

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before You.

Psalm 89:14


So when was the last time you were honored in a parade, banners going before you, marching down main street for all to see? Never? Me neither… wait, maybe we didn’t know about the banner of our Lord?

Jehovah Nissi means, (according to the account in Exodus of Moses and the battle against the Amalekites), The Lord is my banner. Throughout history a banner is used to communicate a message so everyone will see and take note.

Today we see banners in parades and strung up on buildings. We know of Grand Openings, Big Sales, Marching Band School Names, and Famous People being honored. A banner communicates importance.

God’s banner over us is His unfailing, unending and absolutely amazing love and faithfulness. We can’t see it this side of eternity, but be certain, the angels – and the demons – see a banner over you. It reads:

Here she is, my daughter. I am her God.
She is loved, and my faithfulness to her will never fade.

Oh, I wish my faithfulness to Him moment by moment would never fade. But when those hard times come, what’s the first thing I do?

I question: why?
I whine: I don’t want to.
I doubt: I’m not good enough, or I wouldn’t be going through this.

And the angels must shake their heads and say,

Can’t she see it? His banner of protection, His banner of strength, His banner going before her in this?

The banners of the grand marshals of the parades, the banners of man’s armies and the banners of man’s accomplishments will fade and be forgotten. Yet, as our verse for today reminds us, because righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne, His love and faithfulness go before Him. Since He is right here with us, in our very hearts, that banner of love and faithfulness goes before us – into every battle, into every doubt.

His banner is over me, I am His.

Take Out:

Surely, we will have trouble in this world, but remember He has overcome the world. Will you join me in those moments we dread by looking up, looking ahead and picturing His banner over you? See your name in the banner? See His love heralding the way for you? Knowing in your heart His faithfulness will see you through?


Oh Father, how we doubt. Forgive us in our weakness. Quicken our hearts to surrender to You our fears, our fretting. Turn our eyes to You that we may glimpse Your banner over us. Turn our thoughts to You that we may feel Your Presence. Lead us with Your Everlasting Faithfulness, giving us courage for the next step, and the next… In Jesus’ Powerful Name, Amen.

© 2015 by Paris Renae. All rights reserved.

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