Encouragement Café

A Woman’s Prayer - Encouragement Café - Apr. 22, 2014

A Woman’s Prayer

Café Menu for Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Today’s Special is: A Prayer for the Change of Life

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Carolyn Dale Newell

Main Ingredient:

Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.

-Psalm 55:17 NKJV


Thanksgiving came late last year, and I was running behind with my Christmas decorating. I was hurrying to put my beautiful, delicate fall candle toppers back in their boxes; a job only my husband can do. Angry that they would not fit, I began to squeeze one into the box. Of course, it broke, which added to my fury. My husband came into the house at that moment, and he saw my broken topper. He asked me why I did not wait on him to put them away. Anger rose up in me again, and I thrust the toppers and their boxes towards him. He was probably wondering, “Who is this mad woman and what did she do with my wife?” I was wondering that too.

Several hours later, when I was praying, I realized what had happened. The fit of rage had been produced by hormones due to menopause. No, I was not going to act like that. It was so ungodly. I committed to pray that God would calm these raging hormones so that I would never act like that again. I have continued in fervent prayer about this ever since that day. When I feel that rage start boiling up in me, I pray, and I really try not to give in to those feelings.

One day, the hormones disguised themselves. I was on guard for anger, but I was not looking out for depression. A sudden wave of sadness and tears swept over me. Once again, I realized later that it was the menopausal mood swings. Now, I look out for any emotion that is abnormal for the situation. I have had to pray morning, noon, and night about this, but God is getting me through this change of life without me falling apart. Imagine what God will do when we take everything to Him in prayer!

Take Out:

You may not be going through menopause, but there could be other things that you really need to continually pray about. It could be a bad temper, impatience, or understanding someone else who has the issue. Don’t think that anything is too small to pray about, and don’t forget to persist in prayer – morning, noon, and night.


Dear Lord, You know that I have a problem with mood swings, and that is not the way You want me to conduct myself. Thank You for helping me control them, and continue to help me stop reacting in an ungodly manner, so that I can glorify You. Hear the prayers of my sisters as they cry out to You on similar issues. In Jesus’ name, amen.

For more encouragement, visit Carolyn at Devotions For You , where you will find more encouraging devotions.

© 2014 by Carolyn Dale Newell. All rights reserved.

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