Encouragement Café

As You Go - Encouragement Café - May 14

As You Go
 By Paris Renae

Even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:10

Not going many places these days. A world that used to zoom from here to there has slowed waaayyyy down.

So welcome in so many ways. Love that being late isn't really a thing right now (pretty much anyway). Love that money is being spent on things that matter and new perspective has come. Not really loving not being able to plan a vacation and not getting to see my children who aren't here in town.

Remembering lately though, that wherever we are, in our four walls or hiking a trail, we're never alone. "You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head." (Psalm 139:5 NLT) Can't turn and not find God right there.

May not always seem like that's true. Wondering if a business that's closed will make a come back - that seems all alone. Waiting to see a loved one who is ill but no visitors allowed - that seems all alone. Shopping with a mask on, all going the same direction, six feet apart - that seems all alone.

And it's hard. Hard because burden sharing almost seems inappropriate these days. Everyone has their own set of 'what ifs', 'now whats', and anxious thoughts. There is One who is ready to listen… "Where could I go to escape from your Spirit or from your sight?" (Psalm 139:7 CEV)

The answer - no place. Never left you before, isn't going to now. Every moment of you has been surrounded by Jesus. From the creation of your spirit long before you were formed to the very last exhale on earth - ever present. (Read Psalm 139, notice all the places the writer thought of - still not one of them was absent of God.)

"I will be with you always, even until the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20b CEV)

And then after the end of the world too - as long as you know Him as Savior. Do you? As you go - throughout your day, the walk around the neighborhood for the hundredth time, and all those places you might wish you could avoid - still never alone. As you go, this life is not lived alone or unknown. You are cherished. Where you go, He is there.

Father, hard things make us look up – searching for the answers, looking up to find You. As we go on from this moment into the next and the rest of this day, help us remember You are right here with us. We may lose sight of You, but You never leave us. Thank You for such great love and faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen 

For more encouragement, visit Paris at http://parisrenae.com

© 2020 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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