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Let's Get Connected - Encouragement Café - August 24, 2015


Let's Get Connected

Café Menu for Monday, August 24, 2015

Today’s Special is:  Spend Some Time With The Lord 

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Kelly Brown

Main Ingredient:

But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.

Luke 5:16 NLT


God has been reminding me lately how important it is to spend quiet time with Him.

One of my favorite pastimes is hanging out in the barn with my horses.  Some of my best quiet times with the Lord happen at the barn.  These last few weeks, temperatures have been hovering around 95 degrees and the heat index has been over 100 degrees.  Needless to say my time in the stables has been short lived!

Interestingly, the heat has been affecting my favorite horse Bella.  She has not been herself, and she has been resisting my attempts to interact with her.  This hurt my feelings.  I felt rejected and unloved by her.

In the midst of my rejection, the Lord spoke straight to my heart.  He helped me understand this is how He feels when I don't spend time with Him.

Ouch!  That was a truth I needed.  Our time with the Lord is precious and must be guarded at all costs.  Jesus loves us and wants our attention and our praise… both of which He is so worthy! 

Take Out:

This week, take time to connect with the Lord.   Spend some quiet time with Him. He misses you. 


Dear Lord, I pray we will spend more time with You, connecting with You, and allowing You to speak to our hearts.  Thank You for those gentle reminders that we sometimes need, to keep us connected to You.  I Love You Lord.  Amen.

© 2015 by Kelly Brown.  All rights reserved.

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