Encouragement Café

Choices at Christmas - Encouragement Café - December 21, 2015

Choices at Christmas

Café Menu for Monday, December 21, 2015

Today’s Special is:  The Best Decision

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Jill Beran

Main Ingredient:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16 NIV


A race track or train set?  A doll house or kitchen set?  Open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

The choices at Christmas seem to never end.  Decisions must be made constantly… what gift to buy, how much money to spend, what parties to attend and the list goes on.

One Christmas when the choices started to consume me, God reminded me of the most important decision I daily needed to make.  I had to receive the gift that already had been given, the one we were celebrating.  The gift described in our key verse today - Jesus, the baby born in the manger who became our Savior dying on the cross.

Unlike the gifts I give, this gift is one I can open daily.  Deciding to unwrap this gift brings love, peace and joy.  Choosing to receive this gift reminds me of who is in control, the power God has and the purpose of His plan.  Focusing on this gift puts all the others into perspective.

Embracing God’s love at Christmas helps me share it with others.  Clearly, I won’t put it under the tree or wrap it with a bow, but I can share a smile with the stressed store clerk, offer patience to my overly excited child, or bless my hurting friend with a hug.

Receiving God’s love will in turn motivate me to share His story and give Him the glory!  This Christmas that’s a choice I want to make!

Will you join me in making that your best decision this year?

Take Out:

Make a list of the decisions you need to make today.  Above your list write:

Receive God’s gift and embrace His love!

Then open your heart and allow God to fill it with His love.


Dear heavenly Father, this Christmas, today, help me make the most important decision and not worry about all the choices I face.  Help me receive Your love.  Thank You for the greatest gift ever given… Your Son sent to save me and Your Spirit which sustains me.  Father, once I receive this gift help me choose to share it as well, with both my words and actions.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2015 by Jill Beran. All rights reserved.

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