Encouragement Café

Choosing the Son’s Light - Encouragement Café - Feb. 11, 2015

Choosing the Son’s Light

Café Menu for Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Today’s Special is: What Am I Raising?

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Stephanie Davis

Main Ingredient:

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 NASB


You can teach what you know, BUT you will raise what you are.

Pastor Mark Harris

What am I raising?

This is the thought that now held me captive as I sat by my daughter’s bedside completely heartbroken and ashamed of the way I had behaved earlier that afternoon. While I’m not who I once was, I am far from who I desire to be.

God, I can’t do this! I can’t raise these girls. You have made a mistake choosing me to be their mom. There has to be someone better. Someone who could teach them Your ways. Someone… who isn’t… me.

Each word spoken and gesture made communicate to the world who I am. In times of conflict, during stressful situations, and the times when everything within me is telling me to give up and walk away – my every gesture teaches my children – His princesses – about the woman they are to become.

However, what I desire to teach them through my words may not mirror what I am teaching them through my actions. In a perfect world, my actions would mirror my words. But we don’t live in a perfect world.

This world hasn’t been perfect for quite some time. Ever since Satan seized his opportunity in the Garden of Eden, we have been subject to his wicked ways. He roams this earth preying for his next victim… preying for his next opportunity to lure someone else to his side.  

When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.

Luke 4:13

This war that rages is one between the Lord God Almighty and Satan. Even though it was never meant to be our fight, we are still subject to it and therefore left with the choice of where we will place our allegiance. As a child of God, my allegiance should be with Him – PERIOD! Yet time and again, I’ve chosen to display Satan’s darkness rather than reveal the Son’s light.

Take Out:

The battle between the Holy Spirit and my flesh raged that dreadful day! Each one determined to gain new grounds, while protecting their already conquered territories. What I learned at the end of this particular battle not only crushed me, but also left me feeling completely inadequate to perform my God-given job as a mother … their mother.  

I lay defeated that day because of one thing… I failed to realize my dependence in the Lord.

Please read Ephesians 6:10-18.

It is absolutely necessary to remain in His presence, relying on His strength, clothed in His armor, steadfastly praying for perseverance that we may stand firm and silent against the schemes of the devil.


Precious Heavenly Father … Oh to be a beacon of Your Light … a picture perfect display of Your splendor … a soldier completely clothed in Your armor, ready and willing to silently stand and let You do what You came to do … defend and free us from sin’s captivity. Lord, You promise us this …

The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.

Exodus 14:14

Help me to see that You are willing, ready and capable of not only fighting my battles, but of overcoming each and every one of them. But in order for You to do that I must remain silent and give You the authority to fight for me. May I purpose each and every day to live in the realization of my complete dependence on You and in the truth that I will only overcome Satan and his ploys by Your strength alone. Then and only then will I be found blameless in Your sight. In Jesus name I pray … Amen.

© 2015 by Stephanie Davis. All rights reserved.

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