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Committed to Commitment - Encouragement Café - September 11, 2015


Committed to Commitment

Café Menufor Friday, September 11, 2015

Today’s Special is:  Bless Your Husband is Honoring to the Lord

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Dawn Mast

Main Ingredient

Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives.

1 Peter 3:1 NKJV


It really is the life I wanted.  The man I desired.  The children I prayed for.  But, I sometimes allow frustrated feelings to take over and my thoughts become my words and my words become my actions.  Sadly, my sweet husband is sometimes the receiver of my tired, overwhelmed, thoughtless actions.

Sometimes, something happens between his morning departure and his evening home arrival.  That "something" often has nothing to do with him, but how many times (I'd rather not know) have I "let him have it" when he got home because of something that happened in his absence.  Poor guy!  It's a wonder he even comes home sometimes!

With four kids, homeschooling, various activities and appointments, the dog, the house and just life, I can get overburdened and forget that Mark and I are a team.  I recently remembered Genesis 2:18,

It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.

Although I'm sure Mark would occasionally enjoy some alone time (as would I!) I am committed to be his helper for life.  His teammate.  His ally.  His beloved.

It's crucial to stay focused on why we are in love and purpose to be uplifting and a support to each other.

Life can be difficult and overwhelming and so is marriage, sometimes.  Just knowing that the Lord is with us and that He desired that we should have each other for companionship helps to make the journey a bit easier.  Marriage was His idea so He will see us through the tough times to triumph.  He wants His plan for our marriage to succeed.  Hang in there sweet friend!

Take Out:

Finding ways to bless your husband is honoring to the Lord.  You may not feel like blessing him because you are tired, grumpy or you have a list of all the things he should be doing for you.  We all do this.  But take a step back and love on him.  

Bless him.  Leave him a note.  Text him and let him know you are thinking of him.  A real showstopper is when he least expects it, get a wet washcloth very, very warm and just put it over his tired feet and rub them.  Pray over him while he sleeps.  Whatever you do to show love to your man will honor the Lord and it will bless your marriage.


Father God, we trust You with our marriage.  All of it.  Lord, please help us to navigate the days that try and steal our joy.  Show us how to put life stresses, worries and demands into Your capable hands and completely trust You to sustain our family.

© 2015 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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