Encouragement Café

Consider It Joy - Encouragement Café - Mar. 23, 2015

Consider It Joy

Café Menu for Monday, March 23, 2015

Today’s Special is: Stepping Stones or Stumbling Stones

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Kelly Brown

Main Ingredient:

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.

James 1:2 NLT


Troubles and joy are not typical words you would find in a sentence together; but when it's in God’s Word, you can understand why they are together. God calls us to consider it joy when troubles come our way. We are not to get caught up in the, "Why me?" but in the, "Why not me?" and be happy about it!

You may be thinking, "Now, wait a minute. Why would I be happy because of conflict in my life?" I am not saying be happy about your troubles, but you can be joyful.

Through our troubles can come blessings in disguise. We can rise above trials and conflicts, because God will enable us to. It is all about our perspective. We can either view them as stumbling stones or as stepping stones.

The choice is ours. God says to "consider it an opportunity for great joy."

My prayer is that as we face trials or conflicts, we will be able to count each of them as pure joy. May we find the stepping stone in every trial that will enable us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, so we will rise above it!

Take Out:

When you are facing a conflict in your life, look at it from God's perspective and use it as a stepping stone and not a stumbling block. Consider it great joy and take the steps that have been placed in your path to get you to your next appointed place in your walk.


Dear Lord, when we encounter trials and conflicts in our lives, may we will be able to consider it joy in You. I pray we will use these times as stepping stones to continue on the paths You have for our lives. Thank You, Lord, for Your Encouraging Word which You have given us so we can know when troubles come (not if, but when they do) You will enable us through Your Holy Spirit to count it great joy. In Your Precious Son, Jesus' Name, Amen.

© 2015 by Kelly Brown. All rights reserved.

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