Encouragement Café

Detox-Holy Maintenance - Encouragement Café - August 28

Detox-Holy Maintenance
 By Noelle Dey

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20

As I drove to meet my boss, I looked at my embarrassingly dirty van.  It hadn’t rained.  That meant it hadn’t been “washed.”

He sat in his seat, put his seatbelt on and I started to drive.  I could tell by his body language that the exterior of my van was the least of his concerns.

Obviously annoyed, he asked, “Have you noticed that your dashboard display says ‘maintenance required’ and you have three warning lights next to your odometer?”

“Uh… yeah… I was meaning to take it to Pep Boys.  I’ll do it this weekend.”

Here’s the issue.  I drive a company vehicle.  It’s not my own.  My company pays for all the expenses, but it’s my responsibility to keep it well maintained.

Luckily, my neglect didn’t result in my van breaking down.  If it had, I wouldn’t be able to visit clients.  That means my company loses.  The clients lose.  And I am sidelined.

Our bodies are like company-owned vans.  God is the one who paid the price for us to have these miraculous vehicles for His Holy Spirit!

Some of us are living with warning lights such as low energy, weight-related illnesses or avoidable aches and pains.

If we don’t heed these warnings, our vehicles can break down, limiting what God can do through us.

Ephesians 2:10 says,

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Our warning lights need attention.  We are God’s workmanship.  We were bought at a price. Let’s honor God with our bodies!

If you had a dashboard display, what would it say?  Do you have any warning lights that are flashing?

What simple steps can you take right now to tend to your warning lights?  Here are a few which have helped me:

  1. Seek a doctor’s advice for medical issues.
  2. Makeover your refrigerator, freezer, pantry, car and office by taking out the junk which can do harm to your body.
  3. Replenish with healthy alternatives.  If you need ideas, search “healthy refrigerator,” or “healthy (fill in the blank)” for every place you found junk food.
  4. Get moving… Exercise will invigorate your heart, mind and body!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the miraculous way You’ve created us.  Help us in very practical ways so we can honor You with our bodies.  We want to touch this world around us with Your Holy Spirit We love You and we pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

For more encouragement, check out Noelle’s book: Transformation by Truth: 30 days to a healthy heart, mind and body

© 2020 by Noelle Dey.  All rights reserved.

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