Encouragement Café

Did Jesus Make a Resolution? - Encouragement Café - January 6, 2016

Did Jesus Make a Resolution?

Café Menu for Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Today’s Special is:  Deciding to Resolve

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Jill Beran

Main Ingredient:

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.

Luke 9:51 NIV


I have to admit I have not made a New Year’s resolution for years.  How about you?

The ones I have made in the past, well they were never very spiritual.

So I got to thinking... I wonder what the Bible has to say about resolutions?  If there was such a thing in Jesus’ time, would He have made one?

As I searched the Scriptures I came across Luke 9:51 and the last phrase caught my attention.  Here we read,

Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.

I dug a little deeper to see what this really meant.  The Greek word for resolutely means "determined or steadfastly set".

Jesus knew where He was going.  He knew what was to come.  He understood pain and persecution were part of His future.  And still he resolved, or intentionally decided, to go where God led.  He had counted the cost and was willing to sacrifice.  He knew the road would be hard, but He resolutely set out to walk it.

Friend, these words make me think about resolutions a bit differently.  For the first time in years, I’m challenged to resolve.  The thoughts in my mind no longer center on exercising more, eating less or being a better person.  No, instead they are focused on resolving to be more like Christ and resolutely setting out to follow Jesus.

This isn’t a resolution to make lightly, but it is one to consider deeply.  If we truly dedicate ourselves to following Jesus’ example and set a resolution like Him, the generic ones will be taken care of.  If we confess our desires to God and ask for His help, He will be faithful to provide.

Friend, this year will you join me in trying something new?

Let’s move past the same old resolutions and let go of the struggles that come with making resolutions we know we’ll never keep.  Jesus was the perfect, sinless man and with His Spirit in us we can resolve to follow Him.  Remember He’ll equip us as we go and forgive us when we fail!

Take Out:

Spend some time in prayer sharing your desire to follow Jesus wherever He leads you.  

After you share your heart, be still and listen for God to whisper to you.  

Make note of what He has to say… perhaps it’s insight into where He wants you to go, what He wants you to do, or a promise He wants you to believe.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for new beginnings.  Thank You for the example that Christ set as He followed You.  I pray for strength, courage and the desire to do the same.  Don’t let these thoughts be simple words I say, but make them my passion.  Give me the resolve to follow You, trust You and obey You.  As the new year begins, I ask for direction and wisdom Lord.  I look forward to resolutely following You!!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2016 by Jill Beran. All rights reserved.

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