Encouragement Café

Emotional Balance in an Out of Control World - Encouragement Café - January 1

Emotional Balance in an Out of Control World
 By Judy Fussell

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.  Isaiah 26:3 ESV

Have you ever been soaring on an emotional high where you felt all was well with your world and everything in it, only to be brought crashing down in an instant? Perhaps it was something as simple as a careless word spoken by a loved one that totally crushed your spirit and changed your perspective.

Have you ever felt intense sadness that threatened to trap you in a pit of despair? Perhaps nagging worries over health, finances, children, or circumstances beyond your control have ensnared and held you captive in a prison of helplessness.  

Emotions are part of the human package designed “in the beginning” when God gave life to man. Created a little lower than the angels and in the image of the creator Himself, man was given free will by a God whose greatest desire was to experience mutual fellowship with the objects of His love.  

Sin broke that perfect balance, but God’s way has not, nor ever will change!  

Our emotions are meant to be helpful tools as we experience God’s best and navigate this precious gift we call life. In order to achieve optimum emotional health and well being, we need to be aware and heed signals we receive emotionally. 

Negative emotions are a warning like the indicator lights on the dashboard of a car. If ignored, we can expect the consequences that follow. It’s important to identify and recognize the root of the problem. When ignored or pushed down continually, emotions can dominate our state of mind, and not only steal our peace and joy, but can also sap the life right out of those closest to us!

God has much to say in His Word about dealing with our emotions. When we believe and obey God’s way, we can receive the harmony and balance of His peace. He knows what is for our good. His Word gives us the means to use our emotions as a friend not foe!

Here are some guidelines I find useful when negative emotions threaten to kill my joy and steal the peace God has placed in my heart:

  • Read God’s Word…especially the Psalms
  • Find the humor in situations and laugh!
  • Praise… make a joyful noise to the Lord!
  • Write my prayers (love looking back to see how God, in His way, answered them)
  • Honestly journal my feelings as if I am telling God (often this leads me to Scripture that is helpful or helps me see with “new” eyes)
  • Find and post Scripture to help with what is bothering me
  • Ask myself, “Does this really matter in the big scheme of life?”
  • Recognize that I can’t change others, but I can change myself and my perspective
  • Look outward, not inward… Me, Me, Me is harmful!
  • Start a daily gratitude journal… find the rainbow in the storm
  • Talk to a trusted friend 
  • Seek professional help for constant anxiety or deep depression that will not lift

Thank You, Lord, that You have given us the means to experience life with You and others. When You gave us the gift of life and opportunity to know You fully, we received emotional tools to help in this journey. Teach us to use all Your provisions as we seek to live a life that honors and is acceptable unto You!   

© 2019 by Judy Fussell.  All rights reserved.

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